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Canterbury / Christchurch Addington Neighbourhood Association residents' assn blog & Addington Times newsletter + Manuka Cottage: Addington Community House @ St Mary's Church, 21 Church Sq + Addington Timebank.nz "Members trade their skills & knowledge with each other for time credits, which they use to get other services from within our community.. in Addington & the surrounding areas (from Halswell to Cashmere to Riccarton & the Central City)" 2012 & Addington.Timebank.org + Addington Action "Residents of Addington organising solidarity to deal with the Christchurch Earthquake of February 22 2011" [wound up c2014] Age Concern 64 Cashel St Chch + all NZ + links Amalgamated Workers Union of NZ 60 Montreal St Sydenham Anglican Life The Anglican Diocese Of Christchurch index Churches & Parishes, City Mission etc Avon-Otakaro Network "our vision, changing Christchurch's Avon River red zone from a place of despair & tragedy to a land of beauty & joy" AvON.org.nz Avonhead Community Group Inc "governing principle.. apolitical, neutral thinking & impartial action.. to protect the interest of our community" vs North West Review Area 3 business rezoning by CCC 2013 avonsideblog.org "Post-earthquake Avonside" BBQ Trailers & Bouncy Castles: Mitre 10 MEGA Hornby 370 Main South Rd; World Moving 7 Parkhouse Rd Wigram; ... Belfast Community Network.org.nz of North West Collective.org.nz Boy/street racer "Have your say" hangar33.net Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa CAFCA + Watchblog "The online tool of Foreign Control Watchdog" watchblogaotearoa.blogspot.co.nz + New Zealand Not For Sale vs Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement TPPA "Free trade is not working" nznotforsale.org Christchurch Community Accounting "specialise in not-for-profit organisations" 80 Fitzgerald Ave 032600509 Christchurch Community House 141 Hereford St Canterbury Men's Centre L1 + links & Infoxchange.org.nz "Technology for social justice" Christchurch Gets Ready christchurch.getsready.net resource database + Selwyn Gets Ready + North Canterbury Gets Ready + demo.getsready.net Gets Ready Software house Hororata & Neighbourhood Support Canterbury nscanterbury.org.nz * * * * * Canterbury Public Issues Forum "discuss debate participate" canterburyissues.org.nz e-democracy.org Canterbury Residential Rebuild.govt.nz + CanCERN Canterbury Communities' Earthquake Recovery Network "of Residents Association and Community Group representatives from the earthquake-affected neighbourhoods.. aim for full community engagement in recovery processes and to work in partnership with recovery agencies.. advocate for: strong strategic leadership; effective two way communication and information flow; healed and healthy communities; revitalised small and medium business; and a legacy we can be proud of. 'Our aim is to partner, not criticise from the sidelines'" + OVTRK One Voice Te Reo Kotahi "independent & not aligned with any political party.. speaks from the Non Government sector - allowing the voices of organisations that have not been formed by Government of Commerce to be heard" blogspot + Rebuild Christchurch "The voice & ears of Christchurch.. non-profit independent community group provided to serve the residents.. impacted from the effects of the multitude of earthquakes & aftershocks since September 4th 2010.. volunteers who are passionate about Christchurch being rebuilt for the people" Cashmere/ Port Hills Christchurch Community & Business Association cphcba.co.nz Cashmere Residents' Association "act as a liaison between the community of Cashmere & outside parties such as the City Council, Regional Council & government agencies" was cashmere.org.nz Central Riccarton Residents' Assn "promote preserve protect" CRRA.org.nz "There are eight Community Boards within Christchurch City" Council Meetings & Agendas Christchurch Methodist Mission "child & family services, emergency food relief, social housing, group programmes & elder-care services reach a broad base of diverse residents facing multiple challenges" 91 & 95 Harewood Rd Papanui Christchurch South Community Gardens "Situated in Spreydon" was Strickland Street Community Garden "Promoting Sustainable Neighbourhoods" + links * * * * * / South West Christchurch CGT [site lost ~Oct12] see 1999- Spreydon Community Garden Trust Wayback 2009 save Christchurch Youth Council "advocating for a strong youth voice in Chch.. aim to provide young people with the avenue to have their say" C/O Christchurch Community House 301 Tuam St & Christchurch Youth Action Plan 2017 + Canterbury Youth Workers Collective "Working collaboratively to strengthen the Youth Development Sector to meet the needs of Young People" & Festival of Youth Development + The Collaborative Trust "assisting the healthy development of young people.. research, training & advocacy" Dr Sue Bagshaw Community Law Canterbury "Community Law Centre - Free Legal Help & Advice" 281 Madras St Chch + Whose City? Investigating Local Government 5-part series Panel discussions May-Sep07 + Resources etc + Mediation Services "Mediation for the family or community - Transforming communities one conflict at a time " & Coalition of Community Law Centres * * * * * Community profiles "of ward areas & different metropolitan groups in Christchurch... in order to develop better understandings of the city's population" 2011 2013 Christchurch City Council Community Support Unit * * * * * Converge "To enhance the capacity & effectiveness of not-for-profit, community & non-governmental organisations by facilitating the provision of premier on-line communication & publishing services, tools & resources, wherever possible free of charge" PlaNet NZ Trust environment etc ++links CyberPlace Canterbury to promote the interests of community groups, & other not-for-profit organisations: Community Education Environment Peace Cycling in Christchurch "Regular people riding bicycles" cyclingchristchurch.co.nz Delta Community Support Trust "Christian community-based organisation" Richmond Chch Development Danger: putting the heat on district plans - Historic Places Trust article re Akaroa Greymouth Queenstown Food: Kairos Food Rescue "Rescue Food. Feed people. Build community. ..part of the Free Store Movement Aotearoa.. the first.. to open in the South Island.. non-profit, charitable organisation, run by volunteers" Kairos Free Store 311 St Asaph St est Oct18 + Hoon Hay Food Bank + 0800 HUNGRY etc etc Funding: Rata Foundation.org.nz [was Canterbury Community Trust "investing wisely in communities.. to distribute funds for charitable, cultural, philanthropic & recreational benefits in our four regions (Canterbury, Nelson, Marlborough & the Chatham Islands) - all of which benefit our quality of life.. donations in turn, assist thousands of people working in numerous voluntary organisations, to create their own social & cultural dividends thereby rewarding their communities" commtrust.org.nz & Two Million Dollars of Financial Help Available to Canterbury Community Groups Need Help Now / Building Communities funds] + [Rotary Neighbourhood Project community events "to support locally initiated projects that contribute towards improving wellbeing & building resilient communities & neighbourhoods" CLOSED] + Lottery CommunityMatters.govt.nz DIA + The Christchurch Foundation "to encourage & celebrate a new generation of City Philanthropists & promote Christchurch as a global centre for progressive ideas" Greening the Rubble .org.nz "part of a wider international movement to 'green' cities as well as a local response to make post-earthquake Christchurch a better city to live, work, move & play within" * * * * Halswell Community.net.nz "'one stop shop" for anything that you might want to know or find out about Halswell in Southwest Christchurch" Halswell Community Project Heartwood Community Te Ngakau O Te Rakau "40+ years of intentional community" Chippenham Lodge 51 Browns Road etc Heathcote Valley Community Association heathcotevalley.communityspot.org.nz + Port Hills Pulse NZLP Hoon Hay Community Association "Connecting Hoon Hay" + Community Centre hoonhay.org [defunct] Huntsbury Community Center 30h Huntsbury Ave 3325029 + Huntsbury Ratepayers Assoc George Murray + Residents' Assn on facebook InfoHelp Community Trust disestablished 2004 Interpreting New Zealand "independent, not-for-profit inc soc 1993 two branches, Interpreting Wellington & Interpreting Canterbury.. provide interpreting or 'spoken translation' to support effective communications between non-English speakers & government agencies or private businesses" Kai Tahu: Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu Te Waipounamu House 158 Hereford St + He Oranga Pounamu "Health & Social Services strategy" + Ngai Tahu Pounamu "Homepage for Ngai Tahu Authentic Greenstone - authentic, genuine, unique.. Ngāi Tahu are the kaitiaki (guardians) of New Zealand greenstone or jade, which is found in Te Waipounamu (South Island of New Zealand). Ngaai Tahu people refer to New Zealand greenstone as pounamu. In 1997 the New Zealand government returned to the Ngaai Tahu elected tribal council - Te Rūnanga o Ngaai Tahu, ownership of all naturally occurring pounamu within their tribal area." authenticpounamu.com Karaitiana Taiuru Maaori language & web aids + Intro to implementing macrons on the Internet & on Computers dream-it.co.nz Keep Our Port Public KOPP "coalition.. to oppose the privatisation" of Lyttelton Port Company Loud Shirt Day "help deaf kids learn to listen & talk like their hearing friends.. annual appeal of The Hearing House & the Southern Cochlear Implant Paediatric Programme" Fri21Sep12 Chch Ackd bases Lower Cashmere Residents' Association "continue to develop safeguards & protection of our jewel of a community" lowercashmere.org The Mairehau "Mairehau Area. Interesting, newsy stuff" Neighbourhood Trust nht.org.nz 1999 St Albans Baptist Church Mediation Services "independently established to provide quality, professional mediation services to the Christchurch community. Most.. can be provided at no cost" 980-3512 / 389-8660 PO Box 32013 Linwood Meetups in Christchurch various meetup.com * * * * * Ministry of Awesome .com "watering the seeds of awesome in Christchurch" post-quake move2nz.com "NZ's Best Community Site 2008 & 2009" vs E2NZ.org "A long hard look at NZ" blog Mt Pleasant War Memorial Community Centre Hall & Residents' Association activity grps etc McCormacks Bay Rd Nawawi Center "facilitating the development of humanity through authentic Sacred Islamic Knowledge & building positive relationships with our diverse communities" 03-980-3093 + sunnipath.com Neighbourhood Support Canterbury "make our homes, streets, neighbourhoods & communities safer & more caring places in which to live" nscanterbury.nz & Christchurch Gets Ready "Be part of a coordinated community response when things go wrong. Join us to receive emergency alerts" christchurch.getsready.net + many other districts Canterbury- & NZ-wide * * * * * Network Waitangi Otautahi NWO.org.nz 97 educational inc soc charitable Trustbank Community House 187 Cashel St Ph/Fx: 03-365-5266/6-8535 of Project Waitangi "founded in 1986 in Christchurch" Waitangi Associates Robert Consedine POBox35089 Otautahi & Healing our History: The Challenge of the Treaty of Waitangi bk 05 + Gavin's Maaori Language Page New Brighton Residents' Association NewBrighton.org.nz & New Brighton Community Gardens "Together we can grow" blogspot & Marginal Majorities Stephen Luke archive + New Brighton & New Brighton Project facebook pages & NBP Community Notice Board blogspot & New Brighton Timebank nbtimebank.org a wikipedia Transition_Town + RadioNewBrighton.com facebook + NewZealandSandCastleCompetition.co.nz Pegasus Bay Charitable Trust 4-6Mar11 stopped by quake * * * * * NZ Council Of Social Services Christchurch COSS "to promote social equity, justice & wellbeing by advocating on issues, empowering groups & facilitating collaboration in the social services sector" 141 Hereford St Office for Holistic Urbanism "creating a new way of being where people & communities are at the heart of property development" OHU.nz + Tumanako Wellness Centre project "An Alternative In Mental Health Care" PledgeMe * * * * Te Ruunanga O Ngaa Maata Waka "Maaori Authority in Christchurch.. [to] cater for the needs of iwi from outside the district" christchurchcitylibraries.com + Nga Maata Waka Social Services info@maatawaka.org.nz Opawaho-Heathcote River .nz "For everybody who lives close to, or cares about the river.. intended to become a community-owned asset which is used by stakeholders up & down the river to communicate information & ideas about how the Opawaho Heathcote river could be restored & enhanced" Otakaro Land Trust "Supporting Co-operative Housing" Peterborough Housing Co-op otakaro.org.nz Otamahua / Quail Island Ecological Restoration Trust "tree planting, weed eradication, nursery work, monitoring the success of plant & animal re-introduction etc" Otautahi Solidarity Network blog "space for info, links & discussion.. spread the word - the people are on the move!" Our Heros Trust "helping to send our Monte Cassino battle veterans to Italy" Pecha Kucha Night Christchurch 20-slide x 20-second creative talk format pechakucha-chch.org Phillipstown Community Hub was the Phillipstown Primary School 39 Nursery Rd Placerama.com "rebuilding our connections with our local community.. 'What's happening around me?' ..provides the answer by showing you news, events & things for sale, trade or to give away near you Chch & blog "be the center of your world" Plains FM Radio Audio Programmes podcasts cnr Madras & St Asaph Sts Positive Directions Trust - He Tohutohu Pai ki Waitaha PDT.org.nz "Community Resilience.. Health & Wellbeing.. Supported Employment" 165 Seaview Rd 1996 + Maanaki20.org Community Champions vs COVID19 etc & story 400 South Island Maaori families will run out of food before lockdown ends Stuff 6Apr20 Project Lyttelton "the soul of a sustainable community ..portal to Canterbury's historic past, a vibrant sustainable community creating a living future" 54a Oxford St Quieter Please ! .blogspot.co.nz "Noise, more than most pollutants, is closely related to manners. Good neighbors keep their noise to themselves; bad neighbors don't.. Submission form for Plan Change 52" tips Ruapuna Redcliffs Residents Association Te Rae Kura & Emergency Planning Resources Richmond Community Garden "re-establish the pre-earthquake vegetable garden next to Avebury house + 2 acres of LINZ red-zone land" 325 River Rd + Riverlution Eco Hub 46a Vogel St Roimata Community Incorporated Society "small Christchurch neigbourhood bounded by Ensors Rd, Brougham St, Ferry Rd & Richardson Tce.. to foster positive social connections & trust" Rowley Resource Centre.org.nz "quiet little gem nestled in the heart of the suburb of Hoon Hay.. 25 years.. supporting & working alongside the community" 89 Rowley Ave 9601776 Mon-Thurs 9-2pm + Facebook page Save Our Arts Centre "petition & help protect.. a potential World Heritage Site, from inappropriate development" soac.org.nz Jul09- Chch Social Equity & Wellbeing Network Inc SEWN.org.nz "Leading the creation of a society based on principles of social equity, justice and wellbeing" was Council of Social Services in Christchurch "To promote social equity, justice & well-being by advocating on issues, empowering groups & facilitating collaboration in the social services sector. The Council of Social Services is committed to giving effect to the Articles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi" 101 North Avon Rd CCOSS.org.nz + service Community & Not-for-Profit Network Christchurch chch3.net.nz + post-quake Christchurch NGO & Community Organisation Updater listings ngoupdater.org.nz Social Innovation .org.nz "We inspire & support generation y to serve the greater needs of the community: Leadership development; Project support & mentoring; Engagement, media & campaigns" Spokes Canterbury "A Voice for Cyclists" Cycling Advocates' Network CAN "Working for Cyclists in NZ" St Albans Community Resource Centre 1047 Colombo St, St Albans ph: 374-2465 or 379-6305 & STANN newsmag St James Ave Oaks Blog "for the residents.. to keep up-to-date with the CCC Kerb & Channel project" Papanui StopNightClassCuts.org.nz CLASS 09 Strengths Network South Pacific "tool developed by Gallup University to identify an individual's Signature Themes of Talent.. to determine the most natural thoughts, feelings & behaviours of 'the best of the best'" strengthsnetwork.org Papanui Structural Poverty Group "regular administration meetings.. approximately bimonthly, usually early afternoon at Christchurch Community House. From time to time, the group organises and advertisers public seminars on issues of interest, supported by the Christchurch Council of Social Services (COSS)" neweconomics.org.nz + Musical Chairs seminars SumnerCommunity.org.nz "website grew from the Sumner Community Group but is now not affiliated with any local interest group" = sumnerresidents.co.nz Sumner Community Residents' Association Surf Life Saving Canterbury L2 151 Worcester St + links * * * * Sydenham Community Association Inc & Residents' Group administers Sydenham Community Centre + Sydenham Community Development Project administered by the Sydenham Community Development Trust Board + Sydenham Community Care facebook.com/SydenhamNZ Sydenham Quarter "promote Sydenham as the best possible place to live and do business in" SYDM.co.nz + The Colombo .co.nz "unique shopping & entertainment experience positioned in the cities leading industrial area of downtown Sydenham only 5 minutes walk from the CBD" + First Thursdays Chch .co.nz "free arts & entertainment event for all ages" Art Beat Te Whare Awhero Hope House, Hornby Presbyterian Community Trust division Hope Presbyterian, 36 Aymes Rd + Communities & Neighbours CaN The Valley in Christchurch ICT/programmer google group Vision2020.org.nz "People Environment Education Enterprise Partnership ..community owned enterprises ..practice by the year 2020" People Going Ahead, NZ Education Foundation, Tisa Card 1985 Trust Volunteering Canterbury npo "supports & promotes volunteering" 141 Hereford St 03-366-2442 volcan.org.nz Waltham Community Cottage "empowers our people by helping them use the Internet for their advancement" Westmorland Residents Association + Westmorland Heights subdivision Cant'y Workers Educational Assn WEA "Lifelong learning" 59 Gloucester St Ph/Fx: 03-366-0285/4530 Workers Rights Campaign Cant'y & What's On Missing Link "use social media for authentic marketing & sales" Kaila Colbin 107 Cashel St InfoHelp community link pages Environment Organics Sustainability etc Family History genealogy Green supplement sustainable politics Peace movement [page under construction] |
Wider NZ Amnesty International "Use your freedom.. worldwide movement of more than 3 million supporters, members & activists in more than 150 countries & territories who campaign to protect human rights" amnesty.org.nz Ackd & Wgtn Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ & Polynesia The Social Justice Commission "Pursuing justice in these Islands" Aotearoa People's Network Kaharoa Powered by National Library of NZ Apartheid Fort New Zealand "Top Tourist Deathtrap" anti newzeelend.wordpress.com AskShareGive.org.nz "online community where people share their time, skills, transport, and old or unused goods" Ackd + sacred-economics.com "ancient gift economies" Charles Eisenstein US books The Ascent of Humanity "The Age of Separation, the Age of Reunion, and the convergence of crises that is birthing the transition" Te Ata Tino Toa Waitangi Day flag Ackd The David Bain Fund Dunedin & community excellence ***** Ban Beagle Experiments.org.nz etc Save Animals From Exploitation SAFE "NZ's most proactive animal advocacy organisation" + Quit Meat Campaign "help slow global warming by reducing the number of livestock" CartoonsByJim.com & 'Gone Astray' bk Ackd Aus US Child Poverty Action Group "fighting the injustice of poverty" ChinaClick NZ "to promote Chinese products & services in NZ" Civil Rights Defence Committee "support group for those arrested & questioned during paramilitary Police raids on the October 15th & following days" 07 + Tuhoe Community Law "Fee legal help throughout NZ" Community Net Aotearoa help for Non-Profit Organisations & communities. Aims: "To provide Internet resources to support and strengthen communites throughout Aotearoa/NZ; & To promote equitable access to information technology & the Internet for community groups" ComVoices.org.nz "network of national organisations in the tangata whenua, community & voluntary sector" Wgtn CTU NZ Council of Trade Unions union.org.nz dir news etc & Widespread Union Campaigning Behind Record Union Membership Jump in 2005 VUW Industrial Relations Centre study Oct06 + WorkRights "Worth fighting for! - joint union website campaigning for NZ workers' rights" EPMU 08 & Fairness at work "Unions - we're about fairness" campaign Jul10 fairness.org.nz + indexNZ/Labour-Unions + NZ labour history Kath Clark & David Verran links etc Cults.co.nz "NZ Cults, Sects, Religions, Christian Organisations, & other groups" Dunedin Makerspace/Hackerspace old King Edward Tech College building @ 291 Stuart St DSpace.org.nz blog & taniwha.com/wiki Engage Your Community "citizens.. opportunity to participate in the knowledge & information economies" eyc.org.nz Wgtn EPMU.org.nz Fair Share pay campaign etc NZ's biggest & most influential TU ever "Stronger Together.. democratic union representing tens of thousands working New Zealanders across ten industries.. 7 October 2015, the Service and Food Workers Union merged with the Engineers Printers and Manufacturers Union to become E tu, the largest private sector union in New Zealand" FIRST Union.org.nz "Putting Workers First ..National Distribution Union and Finsec joined forces on 1 October 2011 to form New Zealand's newest union.. 27,000 workers in Finance, Industrial (Textile & Wood) Retail, Stores & Transport, who have come together to get a better deal at work" Southern Office L1 1 Penbury St Sydenham" Frogs-in-NZ "the French NZ Portal" Wgtn Funding: Lottery CommunityMatters.govt.nz DIA + Harcourts Foundation.org "Providing support that helps, grows & enriches our communities.. people first, doing the right thing, being courageous & fun & laughter" + Tindall Foundation "from local community initiatives to large scale, partnership projects" tindall.org.nz + Generosity.org.NZ "online search tools offer access to $3.9 billion worth of opportunities" + CommunityNet Aotearoa "online hub of resources designed to strengthen communities" community.net.nz + Charities Services charities.govt.nz Wgtn + The Community Builders NZ Trust eg of Foundation North Ackd GivingTuesday.co.NZ "movement to create a national day of giving to kick off the giving season" US global GrownUps NZ "50+ Community" & Eventfinder Events + links Indianz TV Indus TV Ackd Indigenous Corporate Solutions "Maori protocol training, consultation, alternative dispute resolution & Maori project management" Willie Te Aho Hamilton Inspiring Communities.org.nz "catalyst for locally led sustainable change" Wgtn Issues.co.nz "Straight from the source" bbs Wgtn Pledge me .co.nz "New Zealand's first crowdfunding platform" + Loomio "free open-source web application that helps groups make better decisions together. It's designed to suit any kind of group, from businesses to community groups to government.. tremendous significance, with the potential to make all organisations more democratic and participatory.. not-for-profit and open-source basis.. desire to spur positive social change in our local, national, and global community. Loomio takes a messy online discussion, and focuses it towards a clear outcome that satisfies everyone in the group" + Loomio.org Ruby on Rails web app + blog.loom.io Emergence & Leaderless Revolution etc + OpenSTV "Software for Ranked-Choice Voting" + BuckyBox.com "digital operations team for your organic deliveries automating your customer orders, billing, & logistics" ***** MaoriMaps.com "Navigate using the Google Maps screen or the Quick Search tabs to connect with the ancestral marae of Aotearoa New Zealand" * * * * * Maori Organisations of NZ "Main Maori Site on the Net" maori.org.nz + links * * * * * Maori people of Aotearoa/NZ "from Hawaiki to Hawaiki.. the magic of being Maori" Meat Workers Union + HelpTalleysAffcoWorkers.com campaign 2012 "Since February 29, Talley's has stopped (locked out) 1,000 AFFCO workers from working indefinitely" Natural Burials "creates & operates natural cemeteries in beautiful locations" Wgtn Neighbourly.co.nz "NZ owned company founded by a team of individuals passionate about building stronger, safer and more vibrant communities.. team includes some of NZ's most experienced internet entrepreneurs and is planning to expand.. across NZ soon.. mission is to create an easy way for neighbours to talk and share online, creating more real world connections and ultimately growing stronger, safer and friendlier communities" Parnell Ackd + Eyedentify "Empowering retail communities.. provides retailers and Police with a cloud-based platform for reporting crime" Neighbours Day Aotearoa "annual celebration of neighbourliness during the last weekend of March" neighboursday.org.nz Network Waitangi Whangarei + Project Waitangi Wellington + Treaty Resource Centre Tamaki Makaurau Ackd trc.org.nz + National Tangata Tiriti Educators Conference Hamilton Oct06 + Clearing House "collaborative, non-profit" Tangata Whenua, Community & Voluntary Sector Research Centre New Horizons for Women Trust "to help women return to education & training & promote research on women's issues" Wgtn North East Valley.org Dunedin NZ Atheist Bus Campaign "there is still stigma associated with an atheistic position" nogod.org.nz Dec09 NZ Boards .com "topics of interest & chat in a friendly, open environment" + nzandroid.com etc NZ Building Trades Union BTU + NZ Public Service Assn PSA NZ Council of Christian Social Services NZCCSS "Let Us Look After Each Other" & Policy Watch blogspot justiceandcompassion.org.nz NZHotPools.co.nz "NZ's Thermal Hot Pools & Hot Springs - Your Online Guide" October 15th Solidarity "2007.. 300+ police.. dawn raids" One NZ Foundation Awanui Northland + Ancient Celtic NZ "Politics & the agenda's of racial groupings have no place here" Pastor/Bishop Brian Tamaki "NZ is a nation under siege.. Christian religion must prevail over all other false religions" reaction Destiny NZ concern Philanthropy NZ ProjectKPH.co.nz "a day out.. without fear of being ridiculed.. born of heart & true Kiwi Motorspirit" Leah Evans Rotorua Queer Nation TV2 Rattle Ya Dags.co.nz "Your daily kick in the pants.. well-known Kiwis.. share personal tales, tips & advice to inspire you & your friends. The more you share, the more inspired you'll feel" vids Residents.org.nz "Serving the communities of NZ" & National Residents' Association Database (NRAD), operated by the Draco Foundation (NZ) Charitable Trust + Council Watch .org.nz "NZ's Public Local Government Watchdog" + Civil Society NZ "everyone's viewpoint is valid and equal and we have attempted to present a fair representation of approaches" + New Zealand Resilience Trust "to help local communities to maintain their strength and mana by taking ownership of their problems" nzrt.org.nz + Federation of Wellington Progressive and Residents' Associations FWPRA + Wellington Region Citizens' Forum Coalition WRCFC Rethinking Crime & Punishment "strategic initiative to raise the level of public debate about the use of prison & alternative forms of punishment.. Salvation Army & Prison Fellowship.. lead this project, with support from a wide group of significant stakeholders" rethinking.org.nz Raukawa Trust Board Tokoroa Reason.org.nz New Zealand Association of Rationalists & Humanists Inc. Save Our Port.com "For job security and public ownership at Ports of Auckland" + Video: Solidarity picket at the Port of Lyttleton Beyond Resistance 7Mar12 + StandUP Auckland 2012 19Mar "The task of an activist is not to navigate systems of oppressive power with as much personal integrity as possible; it is to dismantle those systems.. Profits (if any) will be donated to Occupy Auckland & Deep Green Resistance" standupakl.co.nz Sign "Online Interpreter Booking System that provides connections between Sign Language interpreters & the Deaf & hearing people who use them" isign.co.nz Ackd-based Service & Food Workers Union, NZ Nga Ringa Tota SFWU Clean Start - Fair Deal for Cleaners campaign news etc ShelfRespect.org "Supermarket pay campaign - Checkout my pay" & petition of National Distribution Union Social Service Providers Aotearoa "a strong voice for some 200 non-profit organisations working with vulnerable children, young people & families" sspa.org.nz Wgtn Space of Love Vegetarian Cafe Nelson Ayurvedic was New Brighton Chch spaceoflove.co.nz X SuperSizeMyPay.com campaign "calling for an immediate minimum wage rise to $12.00, the abolition of youth rates, secure hours & other minimum entitlements" Unite Union + Big Pay Out! 18Mar06 Te Karere Ipurangi "Maori News Online & Maori Portal" Victim Support "community organisation that helps people hurt by crime & other trauma" Wellington Community Network WCN Community-based online information Network 2020 Communications Trust + Smart Newtown White Ribbon .org.nz "Show you're against violence towards women" Families Commission World Vision NZ "Christian humanitarian organisation dedicated to working with children, families & communities to overcome extreme poverty & injustice" worldvision.org.nz The YesVote.org.nz "For a law that's working - NZ Referendum on Child Discipline 2009" s59 etc links Wider world 2012forum.com "2012 Theories & Information" ABadApple.com "feedback about business entities that are poor members of the community" US Asset-Based Community Development Institute ABCD "growing movement that considers local assets as the primary building blocks of sustainable community development" US + ABCD Wikipedia Bali Relief - Ubud BARU: "translates to 'new'.. volunteer group.. to renew the spirit of Bali" [defunct04] & BaliSOS Bali SOS Volunteer Group "An info resource for Bali Relief Efforts" + 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake Wikipedia Beachcombers Alert! "May the tides be good to you" beachcombers.org US blogger & blogspot + blogster "Where the World Blogs!" ... Charter of Human Responsibilities intnl & Water Forum etc Common Dreams "Building / Breaking News & Views for / the Progressive Community. Independent, non-profit newscenter since 1997. To inform.. inspire.. ignite change for the common good" US community.quay.net "defending the free world since 1492!" & web.quay.net Canada [gone? Oct05] Digital Dividend "promotes innovative ways of bridging the global digital divide & creating social & economic benefits at the bottom of the pyramid" US Facebook "social utility that connects you with the people around you" US Fools On'a Mission bicycle "Touring America at 10 miles an hour" Garringer family US + ABC reporter "John Shovelan rides.." Across America Geeklog Directory "websites & weblogs that have been published with a Geeklog content management system" Grassroots.org "Help the world grow from the ground up" US + links gumtree.com "London's online community" for expats + ads Humanitix New Zealand Charitable Trust "to transform the billions of dollars in ticket booking fees into education programs for the world's most disadvantaged children" IfWeRanTheWorld.com "a simple, playful platform that harnesses good intentions & downloads them into tangible, do-able microactions that anyone & everyone can do.. a remarkable & growing & talented tribe of unruly nerds & dreamers" Cindy Gallop "former chairman of leading advertising agency BBH" et al * * * * * Information for Development Program infoDev "Info & Communication tools to combat poverty" Global Info & Comm Techs Dept, World Bank Group + publications +OSS Instablogs.com Community "Everyone has a viewpoint" + see other social media links on News InfoHelp page Intentional Communities & Store International Center for Human Development ngnpo "independent research & public policy institution" Armenia International Co-operative Alliance ICA Geneva International Justice Mission "legal & law enforcement professionals.. people of faith with the training, mobilization tools & resources to translate their convictions into active engagement" US Can International SOS Bali Clinic opened in 1999 International Talk Like A Pirate Day "September 19th (every year)" talklikeapirate.com LabourStart "Where trade unionists start their day on the net" news etc Eric Lee bk The Labour Movement & the Internet: The New Internationalism UK Meetup.com "organizes local interest groups" + Get Together.community "open source event manager for local communities" +FOSS * * * * * Neighborland.com "new way for residents to collaborate with local organizations & take action on important issues" Greenbelt Alliance Rockefeller Foundation etc US Nepalese Youth Opportunity Foundation "birthright - education, housing, medical care, & loving support" NYOF.org US NowPolling.CA "The Essence of Direct Democracy.. Perpetual Polling Means Perpetual Democracy" NVader "Effectively combatting sex trafficking" Organizing Communities Spunk Library Tom Knoche from Social Anarchism Journal 1993 spunk.org Orkut "online community that connects people through a network of trusted friends" Real Women Online weblog Saving the Daylight: Why We Put the Clocks Forward bk "A Brief History of Daylight Saving" / Summer Time US Sturdyblog.wordpress.com commentary eg Democracy vs Mythology: The Battle in Syntagma Square "The protests in Greece concern all of you directly" Jun11 UK runboard.com "Your free online message board (forum)" Tom Harpur "Journey Into Cosmic Spirituality" + The Pagan Christ bk "Number 1 national non-fiction best-seller in 2004" Can Unite the union "Britain's biggest union ..the largest trade union in Britain and Ireland with 1.5 million members" + Cyberunions.org "Building an Open Source Labour Movement.. Using technology to organise" e.g. Diaspora "free personal web server that implements a distributed social networking service, providing a decentralized alternative to social network services like Facebook" * * * * * * * * * * The Venus Project "The Redesign of a culture" Florida & Zeitgeist Movement youtube FactualSolutions * * * * Village Alchemy: The Movie "A Documentary project in Portland, OR" kickstarter.com/projects US WalletTest.com "100 wallets dropped in front of hidden cameras to test honesty..." US The WELL Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link 1985 "cherished watering hole for articulate & playful thinkers from all walks of life.. most influential online community in the world" US + wikipedia Wikicities "creating communities.. with websites that you can edit" YES! Magazine "Powerful Ideas, Practical Actions" Positive Futures Network US |
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