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NZ Government Online NZGO "the Official Gateway to NZ Govt" govt.nz * * * * * Accident Compensation Corporation ACC "Prevention Care Recovery" site defunct Jan14 except /paylevy Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry MAF + Protect NZ "biosecurity & how you can help to protect our fragile environment, economy & animal, plant & human populations" MAF Biosecurity Authority + id pest plants & animals Archives NZ "to ensure there is an authentic & reliable record of government" & ex National Register of Archives & Manuscripts NRAM =? The Community Archive.org.nz "NZ's hub for archival collections.. treasures of our past & present" links+++ Office of the Auditor-General oag.govt.nz + auditnz.govt.nz Beehive "The official Website of the NZ Government" press releases etc Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment MBIE.govt.nz "a central role in shaping & delivering a strong NZ economy" & NZRelay .co.nz "free govt-funded service.. enables people with hearing & speech impairments to use the phone" 24/7 Concentrix Ackd etc Government Business Assistance Search "Turning Good Ideas into Great Ventures" BIZinfo "adding value to your business" [defunct] Business Industry Description ACC/IRD/Stats Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority CERA : Greater Christchurch Recovery Updates CDEM: National Emergency Management Agency was Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management + get ready, get thru it + Never Happens? Happens.nz "In New Zealand emergencies can happen anywhere, any time, and without warning. When they do, Civil Defence and emergency services will be busy helping the people who need them most" make plan online + Lifeline Utilities "essential infrastructure & services that support the life of our community" + Earthquake Commission EQC.govt.nz repair support & Gallagher Bassett Claims Management gbtpa.com.au + Prepare for Disasters: "The Essential Guide to Preparing for a Disaster & What to Do When it Happens - The NZ guide" bk Bronwen King + How to Survive A Disaster time.com 29May08 + Resilient Organisations "six year research project designed to assist NZ organisations to recover economic competitiveness after hazard events by improving their resilience" resorgs.org.nz UoC + resilience.org.nz "Social & Economic Recovery from Natural Disasters Through Community Resilience ..urban communities. Resilience promotes a more rapid social & economic recovery following a devastating natural disaster" OPUS + Chch City Ccl Readynet item on CTV youtube 16Feb10 + 4Sep10 Canterbury earthquake infohelp + Greater Honesty Needed Over The Country's State Of Preparedness - Council Watch voxy 29Sep10 + The Great California ShakeOut!.org 21Oct10 Southern California Earthquake Centre + Solar/Dynamo Powered Torch Radios Norfolk Enterprises Wgtn eg + 72hours.org "Are you prepared? In a major disaster, it might be several days before vital services are restored" Make a Plan etc San Francisco * * * * * Census.govt.nz 2013 "The 2011 Census was not held on 8 March 2011 as planned, due to the Christchurch earthquake on 22 February 2011. The Government Statistician decided that a census could not be successfully completed in 2011 given the national state of emergency and the probable impact on census results" etc NZ Govt Climate Change Programme MFE climatechange.govt.nz Commerce Commission Riverlands House 31 Victoria St POBox25-193 Chch + Rent-to-buy schemes advice Office of the Commissioner for Children to "Monitor & review policy & practice under the Children, Young Persons & Their Families Act. Promote the welfare of children & young people & ensure that their rights are recognised" Companies Office a company can be registered & incorporated using the Internet & a fax for just $60 companies.govt.nz + Charities Commission "established by the Charities Act 2005" + Business.govt.nz "brings together free resources, tools & information to help people start, manage & grow their business" see Ministry of Economic Development MED Personal Property Securities Register PPSR Department of Conservation "charged with conserving the natural & historic heritage" * * * * Creative NZ Arts Council of NZ, Toi Aotearoa Crop & Food Research Canterbury Agriculture & Science Centre, Gerald St Lincoln Ministry for Culture & Heritage 3 Historical agencies Te Ara Encyclopedia of NZ etc * * * NZ Customs Service "controlling who and what crosses our borders" + Aviation Security Service official provider Disputes Tribunal of NZ "quicker, cheaper & less formal than court.. to settle small claims up to $15,000 or, if everyone agrees, $20,000" Justice..nz Ministry of Economic Development MED.govt.nz "TOGETHER, making the difference" + Green Growth Advisory Group etc + NZ Government E-Commerce Information ecommerce.govt.nz * * * * * E-government in NZ "changing the way government works" * * * * Elections NZ "joint website of the Electoral Enrolment Centre, Chief Electoral Office, & Electoral Commission" elections.org.nz / vote.nz + Electoral Act 1993 - Electoral Commission elections.nz & work Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority Strategy EECA L1 Sinclair Knight Merz House 321 Manchester St Chch + EnergyWise Awards + RightLight.govt.nz "Helping you make smarter choices about lighting" home biz street etc & Gen Less.govt.nz "Embrace a lifestyle that uses less energy, to help halt climate change" NZ Ministry for the Environment MFE + Environment NZ 2007 report + Climate Change Office + Hey kids! "Green tips" .. RMA etc + links * * * * * Environmental Risk Management Authority ERMA NZ "Managing risk to people & the environment" NZ Food Safety Authority NZFSA Oz NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade MFAT & SafeTravel.govt.nz advice & NZEmbassy.com "Diplomatic Post Finder" Genetic Modification in NZ info site GNS Science "to understand earth systems & technologies & to transform this knowledge into economic, environmental, & social benefits for NZ" Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences gns.cri.nz Government Communications Security Bureau GCSB.govt.nz "Mastery of Cyberspace for the security of New Zealand ..through the provision of timely foreign intelligence to Government and assisting Government departments and agencies to protect their electronic information resources and communications systems" Jerry Mateparae ONZM, Director Waihopai The NZ Government Directory .com Government Information for Businesses PM's office Government Information Systems Managers' Forum GOVIS Heritage Materials Imaging Facility HMIF National Library NZHistory.net.nz Ministry for Culture & Heritage Human Rights Commission Immigration Service "Haere mai raa, e te manuhiri tuuaarangi. Welcome to the guest from afar" Industry NZ 'grow your business/region/industry', Venture magazine, > NZTE 03 Industry NZ Taskforces "Information & Communications Technology" ICT etc Inland Revenue Department IRD tax matters + Business Industry Description NZ Insolvency & Trustee Service Ministry of Economic Development Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences GNS Earthquake info etc |
Department of Internal Affairs Lottery Grants passports.govt.nz Uruwhenua Aotearoa etc dia.govt.nz + RealMe.govt.nz "to share personal information safely & securely, so you can do more online - like enrolling to vote without leaving the house" +
dogsafety "information for the public, including children & dog owners" International Accreditation NZ IANZ "national authority for the accreditation of laboratories, inspection bodies & other technical competence based activities" Intellectual Property Office of NZ IPONZ trademark searches Ministry of Justice.govt.nz "delivers court & tribunal services including collection of fines & reparation, provides policy advice & negotiates Treaty of Waitangi claims on behalf of the Government.. lead justice sector agency & also supports the judiciary" + payorstay.govt.nz fines.govt.nz + Victim Support "community organisation that helps people hurt by crime & other trauma" + Going to court Get legal aid * * * * * Kaainga Ora Homes and Communities was Housing NZ Department of Labour DoL NZ Immigration Service NZIS Migrating to or Visiting NZ Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua "NZ's foremost environmental research organisation" flora & fauna databases etc Land Information NZ LINZ "land surveys & ownership, topographic maps & nautical charts" + geospatial info + Quotable Value QV "NZ's most comprehensive property database" Legislation.govt.nz Resource Management Act 1991 RMA etc Local Government: ..Online LGOL portal News Service + Local Government NZ "represents the national interests of all 85 councils.. champion of best practice.. policy, advice & training" + Change Training Consultants + Institute of Public Policy IPP.org.nz "research & development centre.. public administration.. economic & social development" Local Government Centre AUT + LAWA.org.nz Land, Air, Water Aotearoa "collaboration of organisations with a common aim: to tell the story of our environment" Local democracy: Local Government Act 2002 legislation.govt.nz + Bill of Rights Act 1990 "Section 27 [Remedies] (1) Every person has the right to the observance of the principles of natural justice by any tribunal or other public authority which has the power to make a determination in respect of that person's right, obligations, or interests protected or recognised by law." e.g. "right to natural justice affirmed in section 27" aquaculture bill 2008 + The principles of natural justice MoE educationalleaders.govt.nz + Historical Trends And Key Principles In Judicial Review Charles Chauvel conferenz.co.nz 04Jul02 + Matamata-Piako District Council Code of Conduct "Elected Members should uphold the law and the principles of natural justice" 12Mar08 + What Is Natural Justice? Howard's End scoop.co.nz 25Nov02 + Natural Justice wikipedia + NZ In Tranzit "Independent public transport news, advocacy, analysis.. forum for discussing Christchurch transit issues" buswatchnz.blogspot.com Ministry of Maaori Development Te Puni Kookiri & NZ Reo, NZ Pride Maaori Language Week 26Jul-1Aug04 + Maaori Language Commission (unicode/UTF-8) MetService Meteorological Service of NZ, national weather forecasting National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research NIWA national climate centre National Library & Alexander Turnbull Library "NZ's documentary research collections" Wgtn National War Memorial Hall of Memories, Carillon, Unknown Warrior 10Nov04 Wgtn NZ On Air "promoting NZ culture & identity through broadcasting" NZ Parliament House of Representatives parliament.nz + NZ Legislation + InTheHouse.co.nz debate videos Tandem Studios NZ Police & Expression of Dissatisfaction form + Independent Police Conduct Authority of NZ "handle complaints" ipca.govt.nz NZPost.co.nz stamps PO Boxes Private Bag + Postcode Finder + Parcel for you redelivery options etc Primary Industries Summit "How do we succeed in a changing global economy?" Christchurch 28-9Nov07 [deleted] + US Grains Council Office of the Privacy Commissioner "to develop & promote a culture in which personal information is protected & respected" privacy.org.nz NZ Qualifications Authority NZQA.govt.nz certification Wgtn Ackd etc Reduce Your Rubbish by order Foundation for Research, Science & Technology Technology NZ funding scheme Chch Wgtn Ackd offices * * * * * Ministry of Research, Science & Technology MoRST Reserve Bank "New Zealand's central bank ..manages monetary policy to maintain price stability, promotes the maintenance of a sound & efficient financial system, & supplies New Zealand banknotes & coins" + Official Cash Rate (OCR) decisions & current rate rbnz.govt.nz Serious Fraud Office "focus on a relatively small number of cases that have a disproportionally high impact on the economy & the financial wellbeing of NZers" SFO NZSIS NZ Security Intelligence Service Ministry of Social Development MSD.govt.nz + my.MSD user portal + Careers.govt.NZ "Improving career outcomes. How to find a new job or choose a new career" + Work and Income New Zealand WINZ.govt.nz + Ministry of Youth Development MYD.govt.nz + SKIP.org.nz "aim is that all children in NZ are safe & nurtured, & grow into happy, capable adults. We do this by developing the capability of communities to support parents to build positive relationships with their children" etc Sport & Recreation NZ SPARC "Feb02.. merger of the Hillary Commission, the New Zealand Sports Foundation & the policy arm of the Office of Tourism & Sport" + Push Play campaign + links Standards NZ "trading arm of the Standards Council" State Services Commission + Treaty of Waitangi site + Waitangi Tribunal Statistics NZ "NZ's official statistical agency" Teach NZ "Teaching Jobs & Education Scholarships from the Ministry of Education" Tertiary Education Commission Tourism NZ "100% Pure" purenz.com Destination NZ official site & regions map + newzealand.com "The official site for Travel & Business" cost NZ$1M c0503 + Media Resources * * * Trade NZ import export invest study NZ Trade & Enterprise NZTE "NZ's Economic & Trade Development Agency" Sector / Regional Economic Development Strategies + funding etc + MarketNewZealand.com "connect international buyers directly with NZ's leading exporters" Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency "Crown agency responsible for contributing to an affordable, integrated, safe, responsive & sustainable land transport system" NZTA.govt.nz was Land Transport NZ Safety Authority LTSA landtransport.govt.nz & Transfund driver/vehicle licenses plates etc + Transaction Centre + Driver Check "enables the status of driver licences to be queried by authorised users" registration reqd + Rightcar choice + Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Exhaust Emissions 2007 * * * WebBound NZ Govt site index from Tennessee USA WorkSite PaeMahi "one-stop information portal for skills and work in NZ" DoL ZOG steel house frame sissal.govt.nz ? MI5NZ "UK Security Service Extranet" a la 'Spooks' TVNZ - recruiting here today [page under construction] |
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