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InfoHelp link pages: Climate Change local + global, action etc Sustainability local & global * * * + Organics HortWeb + Single Transferable Vote Peak Oil - The End Of Suburbia etc, biofuel, hemp.. Sustaina-Biz Canterbury A Place of Learning "Natural Learning ..grow & cook your own free lunch" course etc Mary Tingey Richmond Becon Group DryWaste.co.nz Canty "Commercial & Construction Waste, Cardboard, Paper, Metal, Timber & Plastic!" Richard Lloyd POBox432 Chch Centameter "Monitor electricity usage.. save up to 20% off your power bills" POBox714 Rangiora Canterbury Power Solutions CPSSolar.co.nz Parklands Canterbury Regional Economic Development Strategy CREDS 2005-2015 "innovation, diversity & sustainability" Charge Net NZ Electric Vehicle Charging Network charge.net.nz + Christchurch to get electric vehicle charging station "Z Energy will install one charging station on Moorhouse Ave" stuff 11Dec15 developmentmatters.co.nz RMA project consultants Tina Ecobob the builder "web based system designed to make eco living easy.. directory of eco friendly products & services" POBox3884 Chch + links * * * Ecobulb "NZ's highest performance energy saving bulb" Energy Mad Ltd POBox29001 Chch EcoEducate.co.nz "works alongside the Waimakariri & Ashburton District Councils" Lesley Ottey EcoExpo NZ "eco-friendly living" weekend 10-11Nov07 Zeno Networks SBN Chch + World Environment Day 5-7Jun09 Ecogrow "blended cocktail of selected micro-organisms and soil-friendly bacteria, ECO-GROW is a credible organic alternative to building crop yields" POBox35159 Chch Econet.co.nz arul john's utilities site Linux & Bible Verse Lookup aruljohn.com Maryland US ; ecoNet.org.nz? weekly events diary ex Chch Environment Centre's 'ECOWEB' NZ Assn for Environmental Education NZAEE Chch Branch & EE Forum & Seaweek Global Living shop Manchester St Chch Golden Fields "fine natural coffee substitutes" POBox5095 Chch greenSpace "Eco-friendly, relaxed accommdtn" 16 Sheppard Pl StAlbans Jade Creative "growing your business online" website/graphic designers developers POBox2179 Chch Life Design Network "Sustainable Life & Organisational Design.. coaching & consulting" Linda Watts Nano Technology Nano FuelSaver etc "absorbs the heat energy from engine to lead out FIR thermal energy to minify fuel's molecules, purify impurities.." 24 Buchan St Sydenham NoWet Waterless CarClean "to clean, shine & protect luxury & antique cars" Paul or Kevin 377-5202 + NoWet QLD Aus NZ Energy & Environment Business Week "news, trends & advice" Max Bowden Media Info POBox2197 Chch NZ Windfarms "Powered by Nature - Power Generation through Renewable Energy ..co sells sustainably generated electricity from wind turbines.. currently developing first of.. portfolio of wind farms.. own & operate throughout NZ" L5 315 Manchester St + Windflow Technology "The answer is blowing in the wind" 42-44 Mandeville St Riccarton * * * * * Only Natural "Timaru's only specialist organic shop" 30A Elizabeth St organicexplorer.co.nz Range Industries "turn plastic waste.. into new products" 31 Newtown St Bromley thermo-fusion Loading Pallets Response Planning "research, consultation & facilitation.. management of plan changes & resource consents" 111 Hereford St Chch Reurbanise "A future with a lot less energy than we use now.. where trade, personal transport & consumption of all kinds will be happening on a much smaller, local scale.. start NOW to change to the way we live.. a growing collection of resources & discussion groups dedicated to urban sustainability, sustainable computing & help & advice for your business, community, school or family on how to make the best of this low-energy future" + Peak Oil & Organic Waste Processing etc + Links +++FOSS SK2 Tech Solutions 48 Epsom Rd Sockburn Chch 8004 + SK2solar.co.nz Solar King "Modular System.. incorporates collector/s & additional storage tank/s" 238c Barrington St Chch Solvent Rescue "vacuum distillation.. recycling & refinement" U3 37 Coleridge St Chch The Sustainability Company "we show business how to change their behaviour willingly & for good" POBox25022 Chch 8013 The Shannon Co AusNZ Sustain-Ed "Educating for a sustainable future" Jocelyn Papprill Sustento Institute "blog of Raf Manji discussing the intersection between economics, the environment & society" WanakaWastebusters.co.nz 7 years "mission to work towards zero waste.. profits go back into the community.. employ 35 people.. turnover of over $1 million" Ya-Ya House Of Excellent Teas "majority.. importing.. organically grown.. fair trading & sustainable agriculture" 136 Rear Lichfield St Chch Sustaina-Biz Wider NZ Air New Zealand Environment Trust "help restore our eco-systems, re-connect us with nature & make a positive difference in the world.. take responsibility.. stand up & lead the way in restoring NZ to a better state than we found it, for all future generations" airnzenvironmenttrust.org.nz Ackd Akina.org.nz Foundation "Growing Social Enterprise. Our vision is for a sustainable, prosperous & inclusive world" Wgtn Ackd All Good Bananas.co.nz Fairtrade allgoodorganics.co.nz Ackd Aotearoa Wave & Tidal Energy Assn AWATEA.org.nz "marine energy.. is sustainable, clean, available, reliable & forecastable" Wgtn + NeptunePower.com "electricity generation" Christchurch The Automatic Earth .org .blogspot.co.nz Stoneleigh Nicole Foss US-Can Bushmans Friend "NZ Native Plants & Nature Walks.. active outdoor experiences & ecotours.. Whangaroa's beautiful native bush & natural harbour" plant index * * * * * Carbon Neutral by 2020 "How NZers can tackle climate change" bk Niki Harre & Quentin Atkinson Carbonscape.com "Waste biomass to valuable products, in one step" Marlborough * * * * * * * * * * DoYaBit.org EcoMatters Environment Trust Sustainable Living Centre Waitakere Ackd Ecogent.biz "Process allows farmers to utilise Daily Profit Indicators to measure & manage the laws of profit management while incorporating the basic principles of people, pasture & animal management" Hmltn EcoCover & EcoCrop mulch mats Organic cert Ackd & Intnl EcoInnovation "Cost Effective Renewable Energy" solar+hydro! New Plymouth + B&B * * * * * Ecologic "wants a sustainable world.. bringing Ecology, Economy & Ethics into harmony.. sustainable progress when all 3 are improving together.. not otherwise.. research, consulting & advocacy on the management of natural resources to help find pathways to sustainable development" Guy Salmon et al Nelson + AnewNZ.org.nz "Seeks a better way to INSPIRE & MEASURE REAL WEALTH & PROGRESS in NZ.. YOU can make a difference. TOGETHER we can 'Change our World'" Civil Society Network etc Ackd Environment InfoHelp link page - Landscape Leisure Wildlife Chch etc Environment & Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa NZ ECO.org.nz "umbrella group" POBox11057 Wellington Ph/Fx 04-385-7545 & RMAlink "resource for untangling the RMA" & Vote for the Environment environmentvote.org.nz 2005 w/ Forest&Bird & GreenPeace + Links FreshAir.co.nz "Share your outdoor adventures online!" ["FreshAir is Unavailable" x Dec10] Good "NZ's guide to sustainable living" mag Ackd + Good Cause supp GreenplanetFM.com "Environment, health & consciousness NZ" Ackd Happyzine "where optimism & sustainability meet.. because good news makes a difference" Charlotte Squire ed World Sweet World Mag creative making "fun projects planned based on the idea of up-cycling & re-using" + Wild Picnic "gallery of edible & useful wild plants, here in Wellington" blog Johanna Knox Green Office Guide Ackd Envtl Biz Network AEBN greenoffice.org.nz Kaitiakitanga "safe guarding the future.. guardians of the Whirinaki Forest" Kiwi Advanced Research & Education Network KAREN + Asia Pacific Advanced Network Consortium conference APAN26 Sustainable Networking 4-8Aug08 Queenstown Lifestream International Ltd "Nature's Richest Superfoods" etc Ackd Living Economies "working for healthy economies for Aotearoa/NZ - balanced, sustainable & empowering - based on & respecting the living systems of our planet ..registered Trust" Helen Dew, Carterton + Green Dollars + Christoph Hensch Chch meet 2nd Thurs 12:30pm lunch Mainstreet Cafe 840 Colombo St NZecobikes "Specialist importer, wholesaler & discounter. Personal Engine Transport solutions" Upper Hutt NZ Wood "Our Most Renewable Raw Material" Wgtn Pure Advantage .org campaign "Green Growth for greater wealth" Ackd ReelEarth.org.nz Environmental Film Festival PNth Seaweed Assn of NZ "To promote & ensure the ecological sustainability of seaweed in NZ.. [&] a sustainable & viable seaweed industry" SANZ.org.nz SolidEarth.co.nz Adobe Buildings Ltd "Earthbuilding Construction & Adobe Brick Manufacture" Wakapuaka RD1 Nelson SunFlow®.co.nz "Underfloor & Radiant Heating, Undertile Warming, Radiators & Solar Hot Water Specialist" Heating Partners Ltd NZ-wide & Chch Sustainable Business Network SBN "inspiring sustainable action" Ackd SustainableFuture.info "Policy Analysis & Research ..exploring a complex world ..non-partisan, not-for-profit research organisation specialising in issues affecting NZ" Wgtn NZ Institute of Chartered Accountants NZICA.com & Sustainability Matters fortnightly newsletter + Sustainability Matters "Assisting business achieve a tomorrow for tomorrow's children.. Financial & Social & Environmental Sustainability.. Profit, People, Planet" links etc Ackd & GPI Sustainable Organic Supplies for Life effluent treatment Karl Barkley Invercargill sosforlife.co.nz [soon?..] Sustaina-Biz World All Be Connected Foundation ABC "Together for the Challenges.. non-profit organization that connects young generations over the World with each other & with the current challenges as described in the [UN] SDGs.. Ubuntu" Chelsea Green Publishing "The Politics & Practice of Sustainable Living" chelseagreen.com Vermont EarthThrives "featuring video clips of 'local heroes' - residents & businesses in Western Massachusetts that are incorporating greener habits & technologies into everyday life Ecocentric.blogs.Time.com "A blog about all things green, from conservation to Capitol Hill" EcoEarth.Info "Environment Portal & Search Engine Empowering the Environmental Sustainability Movement US? etc EARTH MEANDERS: Old Forests, REDD Rage & Earth Revolution "We may or may not choose to wage war upon those we know are destroying being, but failure at Copenhagen will make violent revolution THE only way to save a habitable Earth populated by complex life including humans. For life and Earth, it is time to revolt" Dr Glen Barry 29Jun09 Ecorazzi.com "the latest in green gossip" greenadworks.com US Eco Voice "Community Conservation Commerce. Environment Views & News Online. Previously The Environment Newspaper of Australia & Aotearoa NZ. Your source for eco & organics info!" Ecoway Pty Edie "the website for environmental professionals" UK + news * * * * * Environmental News Network enn.com Fairfield IA Friends of the Earth "England, Wales & Northern Ireland.. Making life better for people by inspiring solutions to environmental problems" Green Steve Blog "Be Seen To Be Green" UK a greener Apple campaign Greenpeace + greenmyapple.org Grist "Environmental News, Commentary & Humor" Seattle Kate Fox "sustainable self sufficiency.. suburban microholding & LAND learning centre" blog + permaculture.co.uk "Inspiration for Sustainable Living" mag Light Up Latro Algae Pet Looks Like Beaker Of Green Goo CO2 streetlamps earthtechling.com Jun10 Lovearth.net "Connect Thru 1000+ EcoHumanePoliticalSpiritual Websites" Mother Earth News "The original guide to living wisely" gardening..Kansas* National Geographic mag "Inspiring People to Care About the Planet" US OnEarth.org Magazine "A Survival Guide for the Planet" US OrganicTransit.com ELF electric bicycles US SFEnvironment.org "Our Home. Our City. Our Planet .. department of the City & County of San Francisco" + SF Green Business "Program helps San Francisco business adopt environmental practices that are sustainable as well as profitable.. by setting stringent criteria, providing technical assistance, & publicly recognizing & promoting Green Businesses with a seal that enables customers to shop in keeping with their values" Solar Living Institute E-Store "environmental educational nonprofit org" CA bks DVDs The End Of Suburbia etc Stirling Energy Systems "Creating A Brighter Future For Humanity Through Solar Energy" + gensets (distributed generator systems) biomass hydrogen Phoenix AZ * * * * * Toby Hemenway "Ecological Design & Permaculture" Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture bk + "Apocalypse, Not: A Critical Look at Peak Oil Catastrophism" etc US TreeHugger.com "The future is green. Find it here.. fast-growing web magazine, dedicated to everything that has a modern aesthetic yet is environmentally responsible" :) Weston A Price Foundation "For Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, & the Healing Arts" WashDC |
Social Change 100 Mile Diet "Local Eating for Global Change" US ActionStation.org.nz "people powered change.. Kiwis for a fair society, a healthy environment & accountable politics.. enable the large community of kiwis with shared progressive values from across our society to take powerful, coordinated action on urgent issues we care about" Megan Salole WGN Appeal for a New Zealand Risk Assessment WiseResponse.org.nz "Symptoms too serious to ignore: a call to face up to NZ's critical risks" N.Peat et al Oct12- Dun + Neville Peat: Slow economy trampling environment "Ecological bottom line first to go as business & Government backtrack on sustainable commitments.. the Beehive has ordered the Ministry for the Environment to abandon the five-yearly State of the Environment round-up report, our 100 per cent Pure reality check.. triple bottom line accounting is waning. Neville Peat is a Dunedin writer on geography, natural history & the environment, & a former Otago regional councillor" NZ Herald 17Jan13 Beyond Right & Left "New Politics & the Culture Wars" David McKnight Aus Capitalism 3.0 "A Guide to Reclaiming the Commons ..trust - a market-based entity ..charge rent, & pay dividends to everyone" Peter Barnes CA Change.org Stop Global Warming etc Causes network US Co-op Power "regional network of local communities creating a multi-class, multi-racial movement for a sustainable & just energy future. We are a consumer-owned energy cooperative serving New York & New England" US Earth Day Network "environmental education & civic participation" 22Apr70-* & thegreenguide/Earth Day NtlGeog pix & wikipedia + EarthHour.org "8:30PM Saturday 28 March 2009" WWF & EarthHour.org.nz forum @ Ecobob + Energy Saving Day E-Day "did not succeed in cutting the UK's electricity demand.. Leave It Off" 27-28Feb08 & BBC report + eDay.org.nz Electronic e-waste recycling event The Ecosocialist .com "website & blog.. accurate assessment & prediction of the greatest problems facing mankind" UK An Ecosocialist Manifesto Kovel & Lowy SocialistVoice Sep01 Ca ETC Group .org "monitoring power, tracking technology, strengthening diversity" Can FOUR YEARS. GO. "Humanity's current path is leading to a future no one wants, and it could soon be too late to change course. We have the technology and know-how to change our direction - all that's missing is the collective will to get it done.. FYG.. to build a global movement of commitment and action that will cause a positive tipping point in humanity's future by the end of 2014, setting us irreversibly on a new path to a just, thriving and sustainable future for all" fouryearsgo.org * * * * * Freegan.info "Dedicated to Revealing Human Over-Consumption & Waste ..alternative strategies for living based on limited participation in the conventional economy & minimal consumption of resources" NY.. + Freecycle Network "changing the world one gift at a time" * * * * * Green Activist Daily Diary what we most need now - uptodate regional forum sites listing what's on to do - anyone able to help/host pls? Genuine progress indicator GPI "concept in green economics & welfare economics that has been suggested to replace, or supplement, gross domestic product (GDP) as a metric of economic growth" wikipedia & Redefining Progress CA GreeningAustralia.org.au "protecting & restoring the health, diversity & productivity of our unique landscapes" The Green Fuse "bringing philosophy to life" UK + links * The Green Party - criticism libcom.org UK 12Oct06 The Hard Green Revolution "Perhaps it's time to imagine a new variety of environmentalist, one whose focus is human survival" alternet.org 03Apr06 Ken Wilber "integral theory of consciousness" wikipedia Kiwis Join Sea Shepherd's Fight In Antarctic "Dalai Lama.. 'If you want to change people and put them on the path of enlightenment use a little bit of fear'" scoop.co.nz 27Dec06 + SeaShepherd.org Local Futures NPO "dedicated to the revitalization of cultural & biological diversity, & the strengthening of local communities & economies worldwide.. emphasis is on education for action: moving beyond single issues" International Society for Ecology & Culture ISEC De US UK Natural Capitalism Solutions "Drive innovation, capture market share & beat your competition.. Capture first-mover advantages in a carbon-constrained world.. increase corporate, local & global security ..Good green design can increase labor productivity, retail sales & corporate efficiency ..individuals, CEOs, mayors, ministers of government can lead constituents to a more profitable & prosperous future ..The growing number of profitable solutions to environmental challenges can buy the time needed to implement measures that will attain true sustainability" Hunter Lovins npo & NatCapInc CO US + in NZ Peace InfoHelp link page Pledge to live a One Planet Life video thepetitionsite.com & Care2.com "the global network for organizations & people who Care2 make a difference! Discover, share, take action! green living, health, human rights, & more.." ReGeneration.org.nz "project is an independant network for young NZers who are working to create positive change in thier communities, workplaces, families, schools & the natural environment" Resilience wallabies and Two Futures - humanity's crossroad SHIP green philosophy What is a Green Red Economics? "The Future of Work" Ursula Huws 1991 WorldChanging "another world is here ..the tools, models & ideas for building a better future lie all around us" + User's Guide for the 21st Century bk World Resources Institute "Turning ideas into action.. 20 years of protecting the planet & improving peoples lives.. environmental think tank.. goes beyond research to find practical ways" WRI WashDC TheZeitgeistMovement.com "The general intellectual, moral and cultural climate of an era" The Venus Project Zeitgeist Moving Forward mov launch zmf.co.nz TheZeitgeist Movement New Zealand tzmnz.com "..global social network in the thousands all across the planet. We have a common goal and advocate a possible alternative solution to our current failing social experiment 'the monetary system'.. to spread awareness of a Resource Based Economy (RBE) and the application of the scientific method for social change ..Symbiotic Oneness" Genetics - Engineering, & Evolution GE & Farming Info Greenpeace NZ GE-Free NZ in food & environment RAGE inc + links gefreepeople.net "It's not over - The People's Moratorium will be broadcast live.." Greenpeace & MAdGE GE law probe a big surprise "A highly sensitive Government study into how much money can be made by changing genetic engineering laws will be underway immediately after the election. Environment Minister Nick Smith is facing embarrassment after admitting he knew nothing about the study. The proposal from his Ministry for the Environment is in sharp contrast to his assurance GE laws will not change. The study aims to find out how much money can be made by relaxing laws governing GE and the release of foreign organisms into our environment. The ministry has specifically ordered genetically engineered organisms be included in the study.. there is concern other countries with more relaxed rules will get a competitive advantage.. Treasury Secretary John Whitehead showed GE trials had dropped after the law was passed. 'These trials and outdoor developments are critical for innovation in biotechnology, a rapidly developing field where New Zealand has significant expertise,' he said. AgResearch subsidiary Grasslanz Technology Ltd's chief executive Dr John Caradus said the debate in New Zealand needed to be held again.." nzherald.co.nz 20 Nov 2011 * * * * * GiantExperiment.co.nz "Info Resource for GE in NZ ..network of people committed to providing clear & accurate info to the GE debate.. support NZ being GE-Free in food & the environment" Newsletter etc GM Nation? The public debate UK info & GM Watch "Trust is no defence against an aggressively deceptive corporate sector" Mothers Against GE MAdGE NZ "network of politically non-aligned women who have decided to actively resist the use of genetically engineered organisms in our food & in our land" Newfound 3.8-million-year-old skull is an 'iconic' specimen in humans' evolution "Australopithecus anamensis.. lived between about 4.2 & 3.8 million years ago. The primates sported a mixture of traits both primitive & humanlike. The species almost certainly walked on two legs, yet they had long arms and strong hands, suggesting they were capable climbers.. evolution of early hominins .. humans and our extinct relatives, who split from the rest of the great ape lineage about 7 million years ago" Stuff 29Aug19 + Understanding Neanderthals and our relationship to them "lived on earth much longer than us and became extinct 40,000 years ago" RNZ 13Apr19 + Introduction to Paleoanthropology Wikibook & Paleoanthropology Wikipedia Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science npo "promoting the mental & moral improvement of the human race by means of the advancement of rationalism & humanism" + The Selfish Gene etc excerpts Robert Trivers "theories of reciprocal altruism (1971), parental investment (1972), & parent-offspring conflict (1974).. adaptive view of self-deception (1976) & intragenomic conflict.. arguably one of the two most influential evolutionary theorists alive today" + George C Williams Nuclear Call for NZ to go nuclear The Press 15Aug07 Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy EFN "complete factual info on energy & the environment" ecolo.org & James Lovelock "Author of the GAIA theory" Institute for Energy & Environmental Research "Where Science & Democracy Meet" Insurmountable Risks: Can Nuclear Power Solve the Global Warming Problem? 828KB pdf Aug06 It's definitely coming, but who will foot the nuclear power bill? "why is everybody waiting?" Reuters taipeitimes.com 12Sep07 New age nuclear Tim Dean cosmosmagazine.com Apr06 Nuclear Power Nuc's 2nd Wind - Facts etc New Internationalist 382 Sep05 Nuclear Energy: Not a Climate Change Solution? worldchanging.com NZ International Science Festival "Science Futures: New Horizons" Jul06 Dun' Misc - store Accessibility NZ "Web Accessibility Resource" Nicolas Steenhout Palmerston North The Art of Living Foundation "committed to making life a celebration" Chch Nelson & 3 NthIs Composting Toilet Options For Tiny Houses tinyhousebuild.com 15May14 CREST13.org Centers for the Restitution Investigation & Education of the Natural Mind, Noosphere II, Planetary Engineering Project + 13:20 Peace Garden & lawoftime.org Foundation for the Law of Time Earth Whisperers/Papatuanuku movie "10 visionary NZers out to prove that a shift in consciousness can heal our environment" Wick Candle Films 33 Crichton Tce Chch Ecocity Builders Richard Register on Ecological City Design globalpublicmedia.com Elementalthefilm.com "tells the story of three individuals united by their deep connection with nature and driven to confront some of the most pressing ecological challenges of our time" Three stories, three continents, one commitment to change: http://t.co/Wy0tJngk #climatechange #documentary Environmental Research Web "Science, Policy, Engagement - A community website from IOP Publishing" + ERLetters journal GetReal.org.nz "Kiwis loving life, our place & standing up for it ..committed to standing up for kiwis who think we can do better than we are" Stop Free Plastic Bags Campaign etc + No Plastic Bags in NZ WA$TED! "Waging War on Waste ..new environmental make-over series that proves you don't have to be extreme to be green.. Starting 20th Feb Tuesday 8PM TV3" fumes.tv "creative story telling brand driven by Carthew Neal" + carboNZero United Nations Environment Programme UNEP "environment for development" + World Environment Day & Climate Neutral Network CN Net Open Data "philosophy & practice requiring that certain data are freely available to everyone, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control" wikipedia + OpenDataFoundation.org ODaF "dedicated to the adoption of global metadata standards & the development of open-source solutions promoting the use of statistical data" Plants For A Future "7000 useful plants.. rare & unusual.. edible, medicinal or other uses.. vegan-organic permaculture.. ecologically sustainable environment based largely on perennial plants" pfaf.org + plantsforafuture.org.uk news World must reform agriculture now or face dire crisis: report "growing discontent among the world's poorest over rising food prices" 16Apr08 enn.com International Assessment of Agricultural Science & Technology for Development IAASTD 3rd NZ Getting to Know Groundwater & Surfacewater Regenesis US "remediate contaminated aquifers" Workshop/Training Mancan House Conference Centre Chch 15-17Oct08 CanterburyBiodiversity.org.nz Strategy agreement "Ecosystem services" etc ECan + Indigenous Biodiversity on Private Land: A Report Back to Councils mfe.govt.nz Jun04 Creating Jobs In The Teeth Of The Financial Crisis "Giving the local government portfolio to Rodney Hide creates some management challenges for John Key. Can Key really afford to let Hide loose down the privatising track in local government - which would entail the wholesale contracting out of council services and the privatizing of water and roads, along lines set out in Hide's private members' bills on the subject. Only a minuscule number of people in New Zealand voted for this agenda" gordoncampbell.scoop.co.nz 26Nov08 Consume.net "Trip the loop, make your switch, consume the net" Wireless Network Access Project mail lists NodeDB etc London & slides 4Mexico Democrats announce plan to green the economy edie.net/news 21Jan09 green building etc UK Global Impact Of Climate Change On Biodiversity ScienceDaily.com 22Jan09 Human Health Endangered by Australian Drought "dried up lakes.. gradually turning into Sulphuric Acid" ecoworldly.com 19Jun09 Dr Keith Turner seeks to tap into SC's huge potential "One of NZ's most influential businessmen is looking at developing wind farms.. former chief executive of energy giant Meridian.. large-scale agricultural and industrial developments proposed for the region 'could turn South Canterbury and North Otago into the envy of the country'.. chairman of Oceania Milk.. irrigation schemes" Timaru Herald 29Jun09 A New Citizenship Prof Michael Sandel 4 "lectures about the prospects of a new politics of the common good" Reith Lectures 2009 bbc.co.uk EarthSave International "promoting a shift toward a healthy plant-based diet" earthsave.org SaveOurSpecies.net "We'd better do something quick.. together we can create a sustainable future that we all have a hand in" blog UK [defunct ~2008] Earth ScienceDaily.com articles etc The Snowball Earth "when the whole planet appears to have [been] gripped by colossal ice ages" geology.About.com /controversies Organic Chemistry "To understand life as we know it.." visionlearning.com + Wikipedia Nukefree.org "Breaking Nuke News ..against atomic power and for a safe energy future" ed Harvey Wasserman auth "Solartopia! Our Green-Powered Earth, AD 2030" on Kim Hill Saturday 4Jun11 podcast mp3 Report: Global biodiversity down 30 percent in 40 years "Freshwater tropical species hardest hit, says World Wildlife Fund.. Humanity is outstripping the Earth's resources by 50 percent - essentially using the resources of one and a half Earths every year, according to the 2012 Living Planet Report" msnbc.msn.com Science 14May12 BlackOutSpeakOut.ca "4 nature/democracy.. Our land, water and climate are all threatened by the latest federal budget. Proposed changes to Canadian law will weaken environmental rules and silence the voices of those who seek to defend them. All of our voices are at risk. Silence is not an option" + David Suzuki Earth summit revisited: is the movement doomed to be an endless talkfest? Sydney Morning Herald 16June12 Ananda Marga .net (The Path of Bliss) Global Network PROgressive Utilization theory wikipedia PROUT Globe Writers & Research Cooperative proutglobe.org/currents/Global-crisis "The economic crisis of the 1970s never really went away. It was fobbed off by cheap credit at home and massive plunder abroad - the latter, in the name of the 'third world debt crisis'." David Graeber, The Guardian + Occupy etc Survival Seeds NZ .co.nz "NZ Heritage Seed Specialists" Gricklegrass Community Farm + WOOFing etc |
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