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Independence After the Software Wars book movie blog Keith C Curtis 2012 US Andamooka! "Open Support for Open Content.. books for reading, annotation, & discussion" prog AnyBrowser Pages open WWW standards campaign + Browse Happy Online Worry-free Institute for Applied Autonomy fightback mechanics ASCII Amsterdam Subversive Center for Information Interchange "people's communication lab.. recycling old computers & using only free software (GNU GPL) to bring broader access to technology for the populace" Automation Access "IT for Small & Medium Business" analysis Andrew Grygus aaxnet.com CA * * * * Berkman Center for Internet & Society Harvard Law School US + Weblogs At Harvard Law + Greplaw "Geeks. Laws. Everything in between" + H2O "building an interlocking collection of communities based on the free creation & exchange of ideas" Idea Exchange + Rotisserie ; The Center for Internet & Society CIS Stanford Law School Silicon Valley ; Exploring "Blawgs": Weblogs with a Legal Theme David Gulbransen informIT 25Jun04 Boalt.org "student group working for the public interest in technology law" Boalt Hall UC Berkeley School of Law BoycottMicrosoft.net "God bless America, but damn Microsoft!" [defunct] & Microsuck "Free your mind, & your OS will follow" Microsoft Eradication Society fuckmicrosoft.com was [ahem]Microsoft.com + Free Alternatives distro index * * * Bytes for All "Computing & the Internet for the Majority of the World" news + Readers & Supporters Forum "ICT & development related issues in South Asia" links + foss4us "free & open source software & civil society organizations forum" Frederick Noronha & FLOSSophy CanOpenER "Canadian Open Source Education & Research" Cools Tools forum etc Creative Commons "devoted to expanding the range of creative work available for others to build upon & share" + Choose License selector +GNU Creative Freedom Foundation CFF "The Internet is an Opportunity for Artists, Not a Threat.. Campaign Against Guilt Upon Accusation Laws In NZ" Bronwyn Holloway-Smith creativefreedom.org.nz 09 Debian "What Does Free Mean? or What do you mean by Free Software?" Deepening the GNU/Linux community "many people.. struggle" flossexperiences.wordpress.com 9Jul09 DefectiveByDesign.org "Action Alert Network to stop DRM - There is no more important cause for electronic freedoms & privacy than the call for action to stop DRM from crippling our digital future" Digital Rights / Restrictions Management FSF DigitalConsumer.org "Protecting fair-use rights in the digital world" The Digital Imprimatur "How big brother & big media can put the Internet genie back in the bottle" Nov03 John Walker Fourmilab Switz + Unix Document Freedom Day 25Mar09 "26 March 2008: The world's first.. Roughly 200 teams from more than 60 countries worldwide are organising local activities to raise awareness for Document Freedom and Open Standards" documentfreedom.org + Open Document Format Dravis Group "Navigating changes in technology.. research, consultancy & solutions to help organizations understand, plan.. & adapt" papers etc * * * eg Studying FOSS as an Economic Driver Open Magazine Dyne.org "network & a free software atelier gathering artisans of different kinds.. grassroot committee" + Free Software Productions Eben Moglen & Anarchism Triumphant in First Monday vol4,no8 + Eben Moglen's Harvard Speech 26Feb04 * * * * * The Economy of Ideas "A framework for patents & copyrights in the Digital Age. (Everything you know about intellectual property is wrong.)" John Perry Barlow wired.com Mar94 * * * Electronic Frontier Foundation EFF "defending freedom in the digital world" + Legal Guide for Bloggers * * * * * Electronic Frontiers Australia "protecting & promoting online civil liberties" EuroLinux Alliance "for a Free Information Infrastructure" & Petition for a Software Patent Free Europe * * * Everything isn't Under Control Mike Skallas blog US + Ad Blocking Hosts file Win/X Fight for the Future .org "protecting & expanding the Internet's transformative power in our lives by creating civic campaigns that are engaging for millions of people" Boston MA Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure FFII "dedicated to the spread of data processing literacy" Munich Free as in Freedom Sam Williams & FAIFzilla.org + Just for Fun bks re lives of Stallman & Torvalds ***** Free Creations Against DRM 2.0 FreeCulture.org "to build upon - an international student movement for free culture ..inspired by the book by Lawrence Lessig" FreeDevelopers.net "democratic entity for the development of free software" Freedom CPU "To design & to let design" Freedom Toaster .org CD-burners "to deliver open source software to the masses.. used all over the world & many individuals have created their very own toasters through this Shuttleworth Foundation empowered project" South Africa 2010-11 & wikipedia Free Linux Disks "To help spread Linux & open source software around the world" TheLinuxStore.ca The Free Network Foundation .org "Free Information, Free Culture, Free Society" wifi "communications infrastructure that is owned & operated cooperatively" #OWS Freedom to Tinker "is your freedom to understand, discuss, repair, & modify the technological devices you own" The Free Information Society "Knowlege Is Power - information deserves to be free.. science, history, electronics, computers, & other subjects. Features the internet's largest electrical schematic archive & propaganda archive" Free Software "free-soft.org, a web site dedicated to Free Software" Free Software Foundation - GNU Operating System FSF GNU's Not Unix! GNU Project "Free as in Freedom" fsf.org gnu.org Richard M Stallman RMS + FSF/blog Plone site + GNU Press "Published Documentation" gnupress.org + Mailing Lists lists.gnu.org + GNU-Friends "Gnu Friends Around the World" news & forum + Brave GNU World Georg Greve "bilingual (English & German) monthly column that provides information about internal developments of the GNU Project & things of importance to the GNU community, while trying to give insights into the underlying philosophy" since Mar99 + Free Software Foundation Europe + Free Software Foundation of India + GNUAB Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona: "knowledge & innovation" & Debian GNU/Hurd K8 d/l *** + Inside the GPL David Gulbransen informIT 23Jul04 & Reciprocity & the GPL Lawrence Rosen 10Dec04 from Open Source Licensing: Software Freedom & Intellectual Property Law bk + GNU/Linux naming controversy Wikipedia + League for Programming Freedom LPF "opposes software patents & user interface copyrights" progfree.org 1989 ***** + Free Software Magazine "The magazine for the free software world" The Open Company Partners Inc + PR: GPL Version 3: Background to Adoption LinuxToday 9Jun05 Free Software Advocacy and Politics Danny Yee Sydney IP etc & links ***** + What Is Free Software ONLamp.com 29Sep05 + Network Theory Ltd "We publish books about free software!" Brian Gough UK manuals GCC Bash Python GSL + BadVista Blog FSF "campaign.. advocate for the freedom of computer users, opposing adoption of Microsoft Windows Vista" ... ***** The Free Software Movement - Anarchism in Action Indymedia UK 22Dec03 Free Software Sticker Book "remove the M$ sticker from your computer" Gcc-1.40 & a posix-question 1991-07-03 + What would you like to see most in minix? 1991-08-25 Linus Torvalds starting "Linux" Global Internet Liberty Campaign GILC "advocates the unrestricted use of cryptography, protection of privacy, & opposes censorship worldwide" 2003? Google Gmail & Gmail is too creepy "nearly immortal.. massive potential for abuse" & Big Brother is watching you The Observer 2Oct05 + Spymac.com + Rediff.com India + Pobox.com "Lifetime Email" + FastMail "The world's best email service provider" IMAP + Hotmail + Yahoo GNU Advertising Graphics "The Beauty of Free" RootMode Domain Hosting * GPLHost:>_ Web hosting open source (GPL) control panel Domain Technologie Control DTC Hacker culture(s) lecture notes Jonas Lowgren 23Feb00 How to be a Free Software zealot newsforge 22Oct04 How Open Source Projects Survive Poisonous People (And You Can Too) OSCON 26Jul06 = "Don't feed the trolls" infoAnarchy "Which future do you want to live in? ..The future is ours if we cooperate. Let's take this chance" news wiki etc International Open Source Network IOSN Asia Pacific Development Info Programme APDIP United Nations Development Programme UNDP + FOSS Primers * * * International Campaign Against Mass Surveillance ICAMS "was launched on April 20 2005" ACLU et al Ixquick.com "the world's most private search engine" Ne = Startpage.com US * * * * * John Gilmore on inflight activism, spam & sarongs "Encourage the world to distribute your work to every person on earth.. For a fee, alleviate the troubles that come from too much information, too poorly understood, too poorly coordinated, too poorly documented: provide rapid, correct answers to customer questions" GrepLaw.org The KDE/Qt License History "The resulting 'flame wars' were never fun" @KDE license Lawrence Lessig bks Free Culture "How Big Media Uses Technology & the Law to Lock Down Culture & Control Creativity" etc * * * * * Make Your Open Source Software GPL-Compatible David Wheeler * * * * * Microsoft Boycott Campaign USA Microsoft's Greatest Innovation "Who Owns Your Computer?" Tesla-PC NYC + The EULA, the GPL & the Wisdom of Fortune Cookies Linux Insider 06Aug/04 NetAction The Virtual Activist "comprehensive guide to Internet outreach & advocacy" CA ManyMedia Public Domain Nuxified Forums "Free Software & GNU/Linux help.. Support Community" One Laptop per Child OLPC "potent learning tool created expressly for the world's poorest children living in its most remote environments" wikipedia + OLPC Australia TechFest etc OpenContent "to facilitate the prolific creation of freely available, high-quality, well-maintained Content" OSI/FSF Open-source advocate Eben Moglen Interview "Novell to partner with Microsoft.. questioned whether the deal actually violated the GPL. 'If you make an agreement which requires you to pay a royalty to anyone for the right to distribute GPL software, you may not distribute it under the GPL'" ZDNet UK May07 Open Source Applications Foundation OSAF "innovative, sustainable alternative application despite market inertia" Open Source Ecology "A Network of Farmers, Engineers, & Supporters Building the Global Village Construction Set ..a modular, DIY, low-cost, high-performance platform that allows for the easy fabrication of the 50 different Industrial Machines that it takes to build a small, sustainable civilization with modern comforts" US? Open Source Initiative OSI "non-profit corporation dedicated to managing & promoting the Open Source Definition for the good of the community" OSD * * * * * Open Source Development Labs OSDL "home to Linus Torvalds.. dedicated to accelerating the growth & adoption of Linux in the enterprise" * * * * * Open source - it's all about choice "making the world a better place" stuff.co.nz 23Oct08 Open Source Licenses Are Not All the Same Stephen Fishman ONLamp 18Nov04 + Understanding Open Source & Free Software Licensing Andrew St.Laurent Aug04 O'Reilly * * * * * Open Source Software Institute OSSI US npo "comprised of corporate, government & academic representatives whose mission is to promote the development & implementation of open-source software solutions within U.S. federal, state & municipal government agencies & academic entities" Open Theory ot "Developing texts like Free Software according to the principle 'rough consensus, tasty text!'" De * * * * * Pentagon Revives Memory Project Wired News 13Sep04 Public Knowledge "advocacy group working to defend your rights in the emerging digital culture" DC Public Patent Foundation PUBPAT NY Public Voice Lab "consultant, active developer & interdisciplinary researcher of audited services & new media technologies in Free Software" Vienna Quo vadis, libre software? Jesus M Gonzalez-Barahona Sep04 + Presentations in English slides PDF etc ResetTheNet.org "Don't ask for your privacy. Take it back." 5Jun14 Save the Internet "providers like AT&T & Verizon are lobbying Congress hard to gut Network Neutrality" civic.moveon.org schnews.org.uk "one of the best party & protest sites to come out of the UK" + SFD06 news560.pdf Should FOSS supporters become consumer activists? 29Jul06 Software Freedom Day "global grassroots effort to promote the use of Free and Open Source Software" 28Aug04 10Sept05 09Sep06 + Opinion: Software Freedom Day 2004 Henrik Nilsen Omma osnews 03Sep04 + Software Freedom Day struggling in Europe ZDNet UK 9Sep05 + Nations Present Open Source Argument to World Bank The Press Chch linuxinsider 17Sep05 * * * * * * * * * * Software Freedom Law Center SFLC "mixed-model organizational.. all FOSS developers must have an environment where liability & other legal issues do not impede their important public service work" NY Software Liberty .com "a project of the late 'GNU/Linux Matters' non-profit organization" + links SourceWatch "collaborative project of the Center for Media & Democracy to produce a directory of the people, organizations and issues shaping the public agenda" was Disinfopedia prwatch.org US +GFDL stay-legal.org "Stay Legal - Use Free Software" Stop Censoring Us "Watching Internet Censorship in Iran ..a better picture about the situation of freedom of information in the Islamic Republic" Students for an Orwellian Society SOS "Because 2006 is 22 years too late" Tuxedo.org news stories Slashcode * UserMode.org "FreeNIX: The most stable, robust and powerful operating systems are free! Linux, BSD and GNU are all Unix" David Johnson site 2001-2008 VA Software "Inciting Innovation" SourceForge "Optimising Distributed Development" & "SourceForge.net is the world's largest Open Source software development website" Open Source Technology Group OSTG was OSDN Open Source Development Network foundries news etc + DevChannel * * * * * "Viewable With Any Browser" Campaign for W3C Kim Weatherall's Law "IP in the land of Oz (& more)" blog + links What Is Wrong with America? John TalbottinformIT 22Oct04 WP-GNU social GNU social based comment system wordpress.org/plugins |
What is Linux? "The bigger the lie, the more the people will believe it" -- AH + JG + grain of salt :: What is Linux? "Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance" kernel.org Or so they say.. What is Linux? "Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public License, the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone" Linux Online linux.org What is Linux? "Linux Operating System" Linux International LI.org official brand protector 94 "vendor organization.. The registered trademark Linux® is used pursuant to a license from Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark in the U.S. & other countries" => 06 "world-wide non-profit association of end users who are dedicated to furthering the acceptance & use of Free & Open Source Software (FOSS)" Jon 'Mad Dog' Hall et al What is Linux? "Linux was invented here" Dept Comp Sci Uni Helsinki What is Linux? "the name does not matter" RUSLUG Rutgers Uni What is Linux? "a free operating system" WellyLUG What is Linux? "The accurate name is GNU/Linux" getgnulinux.org * * * * * What is Linux? OptimumOSS Aus + "Choosing your Distribution" What is Linux? *Asterisk Ackd What is Linux? Exocore Consulting India What is Linux? globallinux.com 98 What is Linux? informIT What is Linux? Linux Services Ackd What is Linux? Penguin Desktops In the Beginning was the Command Line "Linux.. is one of many, many different concrete implementations of the abstract, Platonic ideal called Unix" Neal Stephenson 1999 * * * * * "Technically and legally speaking Linux is not Unix" eskimo.com Manual for new users "Linux is a dialect of UNIX.. Linux is the same as UNIX, they are practically the same thing" FreakNet Medialab Catania It + Why Linux is Better .net Manu Cornet The Clueless Computer User's Help Site: Free & Open Source Software FOSS etc "We all have to begin somewhere" Grace Baptist Church Texas > "Linux is the hardware i/o kernel most often distributed with the GNU computer operating system. It is a moving and transitional collected software form, caught in contradiction. Linux is a culture of shifting values - digital, and towards monetary. Time makes these values more shared with proprietary softwarez like Microsoft's. Both differ from GNU whose value culture is digital and expressly community. Concerned with profitable computer function, Open Source and 'Linux O/S' rally brand promoters consciously or unconsciously choose a proto-fascistic capital expropriation of shared GNU asset values." < hackstop InfoHelp 01Oct & 11Dec05, 01Feb06 Articles & works A babe in Tuxland "setting up a desktop for a pre-schooler" NewsForge 08Apr04 Ari Lemmke Helsinki FTP tech who renamed "Freeax" "Linux" docs & here ** Big companies save big from open source InfoWorld 08May03 A Big Fly in the Open-Source Soup licenses BusinessWeek Online 13Aug04 Companies Join Hobbyists in Building a Better Linux Newhouse News Service 29Apr04 Consider open source NZ State Services Commissioner in Stuff 28Apr03 search Copyleft Hits a Snag Creative Commons.. MIT Technology Review 21Dec05 Creative Commons -NC Licenses Considered Harmful kuro5hin 12Sep05 Cyclone Linux servers @ Tait Electronics local news 2002 Dee-Ann LeBlanc author of Linux For Dummies etc from Answersquad Desktop Adapted for Dad DAD Debian/KDE hants.lug.org.uk Desktop Linux for small business 5x distros "Editor's Choice.. solid, well integrated & free Ubuntu Linux 5.10" ZDNet UK Nov05 despair-linux funny pix + Gentoo is for Ricers DHBs to test open source alternative to Windows & Office "Boards band together to reduce their software licensing costs" Computerworld 06Apr05 + Govt should follow DHB lead on open source software Green Party Digital Commons Julian Stallabrass on Sam Williams, "Free as in Freedom: Richard Stallmans Crusade for Free Software" New Left Review 154 May/Jun02 E-government in NZ OSS briefing paper Mar03 Eric S Raymond ESR + Wikipedia + The Cathedral and the Bazaar 1998 + Eric Raymond talks about GPL & BSD licenses bsdnews.com 07Jun05 !*!*! 'Failing' SCO sees Linux licence revenue plunge ZDNet UK 9Sep05 Fedora Project "leadership structure is not a voting structure. Our structure follows historical Linux & Red Hat practice; we seek rough consensus & working code, with a benevolent oligarchy (like a benevolent dictatorship, but hierarchical) to resolve disputes & ensure that consistent decisions are made. The leaders who need to achieve consensus will be chosen by merit; functionally, this will be a meritocracy" Five crucial things the Linux community doesn't understand about the average computer user 'Win-satisfaction, too much distro choice & implicit geekhood, updates hard..' blogs.zdnet.com 21May07 FLOSS Concept Booklet Wikibooks FLOSSIE Conference - Schoolforge-UK et al 18Feb04 Freedom, Innovation, & Convenience: RMS Interview linuxdevcenter Dec04 Geek Battles : A Call for Perspective osviews 04Aug04 Geolocation: New Technology Slices, Dices Internet Forbes 07Dec04 Getting to the source Geoff Palmer PC World Hackers Decrypt High Definition Players "DVDs.. stolen 'title keys'.. a hacker called Muslix64" xtramsn.co.nz 28Jan07 Hacking has its boundaries SearchEnterpriseLinux 20Feb04 How Is Open Source Affecting Software Development? IEEE computer.org How the software economy is driven by proprietary work John Carroll on ESR's "The Magic Cauldron" 26May04 ZDNet + Open source vs proprietary: Both have advantages 27May04 + Why choose open source? 07Jun04 + Open source: Supply & demand 16Jun04 Hyper-Threading speeds Linux "Multiprocessor performance on a single processor" IBM Linux Technology Center 01Jan03 How to get a job as a Linux administrator IT Managers Journal 13Dec04 IBM UK mainframe workers train their South African replacements The Register 1Jul05 InfoWorld: Research: Open Source Not Innovative? Or Simply Not Loud Enough About It? linuxtoday 26Oct05 Iraqis get a taste for Linux IraqiLUG BBC 24Jun04 JMB's Logo Gallery Tuxes .. Leader of the Free World "How Linus Torvalds became benevolent dictator of Planet Linux, the biggest collaborative project in history" Wired Mag Nov03 LEGO Tux Eric Harshbarger + BSD Daemon Lesson number one: get rid of Microsoft schools 15May05 The Observer UK Linus Torvalds "Master programmer" Virtual Finland + Wikipedia + Finn Film * * * * * Linus Torvalds Interview: The Pragmatist of Free Software HirooYamagata97 + An Interview with Linus Torvalds "The most important thing is use it, & helping other people use it.. Freeaks Free was for Free and also freaks for freaks" The Maverick, Riverdale High School CA 08Jun05 + The 5 Keys to Mastery film appearance 05 Linux closing in on Microsoft market share, study says "client side, Windows accounted for 87 percent of all sales in 1999, a figure that will decline to 85 percent by 2004.. Of the 13 percent of the market not buying some type of Windows product.. about 5 percent purchased an Apple computer running the Mac operating system. Although that represents a 26 percent jump from its 4.5 percent of the market the year before.. 'the Mac OS continues to be a non-threatening element in the market'" CNET 24Jul00 + Linux Market Share Within Web Server Sector to Grow thewhir 7Jan02 + Linux, Market Share & the Desktop osnews 27Jun05 Linux on Desktop [defunct?] tips links etc or here Linux Incompatibility List "Linux is no threat to Microsoft" scottnuddsrant 10Aug06 Linux fails in small business market vnunet 04Apr05 + IBM & Novell tempt developers to Linux 11Feb05 + Sun slams predatory GPL 06Apr05 Linux gets thumbs-up down under ZDNet Aus 7Sep05 Linux Friendly Brazil "Digital Inclusion Program.. Govt telecenters" Aug04 Linux leaders plot counterattack on Microsoft "Ultimately.. Linux is being pushed by commercial forces" NZ Herald 15Jun07 Linux Lives! Click Online BBC 10Jun04 Linux not ready for the desktop weblog talk 11July05 Linux Plus Itanium Equals Whoosh clustering Wired News 16Jan01 Linux reaches Afghanistan BBC 15Jul03 + UNDP in Afghanistan 7Jul03 * Linux Society Contributions to the Drafts of the WSIS (World Summit on the Information Society) 31May03 NY Linux In Space 2001 Malta LUG The Linux Uprising BusinessWeek Online 03Mar03 The Linux Experiment "Moving over to Linux is like going to Antarctica: you need a guide to show you the way" PC World NZ 01Mar04 Linux Timeline #1 Linux Journal 01Aug02 & Linux Timeline #2 as@CLUG 29Aug02 luke hates software "Evolution is a step backwards" etc Linux gripes Microsoft faces tough challenge from Linux NZ Herald 05Jun03 Microsoft offshores patent war - so goes the WTO? Register 19Nov04 *** Microsoft vs. Open Source: Who Will Win? Harvard Business School HBS Working Knowledge 6Jun05 More firms make Linux move ZDNet 31Aug04 MyDoom, Windows & Linux eweek 3Feb04 * * * NASA to build 10,000-processor Linux computer Computerworld 29Jul04 Neurotech "The weblog of Luke Reeves" Debian etc Japan pix-heavy New marketing tactics for Linux - women & toys ZDNet UK 12Feb04 NZ firm puts Linux on desktops Computerworld 21Aug03 NZ schools go open source, Linux "Trading in Microsoft for Novell?" NBR 14Jul05 NZ to get the DMCA? "amendment to.. Copyright Act.. mirrors the US DMCA & the EUCD in that it criminalizes removing DRM, even if you do so for a lawful purpose.. unmitigated disaster in the US" boingboing.net Dec06 Open Source Centre Success islamonline.net Apr06 + Arabeyes "The Arabic Unix Project" UK Open Source Crowd Turns On One Of Its Own "rough week for Marten Mickos.. MySQL" Daniel Lyons forbes.com 14Oct05 "Powered by AT&T Intelligent Content Distribution System" Open source in government: A delusional cheer from the Greens NBR 24Oct05 Francis Till Dun Open Source: Now It's an Ecosystem "This software movement is branching into not just mainstream business applications but also the associated services. And VCs are eager to help" BusinessWeek Online 3Oct05 Open Source Software Digital Life, RadioNZ audio feature 03Aug02 Open Source Software - Practical deployment "Enabling an Agile Government" London Connects 2004 "Enabling e-Government in London" Open Source Solution OSS CPIT Tertiary IT Directors & Managers Conf Sep02 Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution onlinebk oreilly Jan99 * * * * * + Unix History DVD by Kirk McKusick bsdmall.com & Review 20 Years of BSD History daemonnews.org from chapter Twenty Years of Berkeley Unix "From AT&T-Owned to Freely Redistributable" Open vs. Closed: It's All About Money Fortune.com 06Aug04 Operating Systems Special Report Computerworld Jul05 * * * * * PCs for the poor: as good as their hype? SciDev.Net 31Jul06 The Penguin rides again 29May03 & Roll up, roll up for Linux PC Linare Linux 24Jun03 Silicon.com Radio goes the open source route "run a radio station from a single computer for free" news.bbc.co.uk 11Jan07 Revolution OS "Hackers, Programmers & Rebels UNITE!" 2001 movie DVD US & theatrical trailer + ifilm Video Clips 2003 + IMDb listing * * * * * Richard Stallman adopts GPL operating system for own site netcraft May03 Richard Stallman Corrects Misunderstandings of the GPL "GNU GPL was the first to embody the concept of 'copyleft'" RMS fr.sys-con 1Oct05 The rise & fall of linux "Does anyone remember Linux?" Aardvark 2Aug06 SCO Escalates Linux Battle internetnews.com 21Jul03 * * * SCO sues first Linux users, talks to NZ companies ComputerWorld 05Mar04 SCO & the Battle Over UNIX: A Clear Explanation InformIT 18Jun04 SCO updates Unix product, open-source attitude zdnet 24Jun05 Small Business Solutions: Linux vs Windows 2000 InformIT Stallman: Nokia's patent announcement next to nothing newsforge May05 Stallman, Torvalds, Moglen share views on DRM & GPLv3 newsforge Aug06 Starting & Running a Successful Open-source Project www.rubi-con.org slideshow Tech Shows "list of the best free downloadable tech/gaming shows currently available on the Internet" filefarmer.com Think Tank Claims Torvalds Didn't Write Linux eweek May04 Torvalds' Baby Comes of Age e-mail exchange BusinessWeek Online 3Oct05 The Usability of Open Source Software David M. Nichols & Michael B. Twidale US Cadets Battle In 'Cyber Mission' "cadets rely on widely available network defenses based on Linux software, the same automated tools in the arsenal of any company network manager" XtraMSN Apr04 User paid to uninstall Windows XP bbc.co.uk Nov06 Victoria University's shift to open source software i4donline 16Nov04 Why SCO won't show the code Linux Weekly News c19Aug03 * * * * * The Wonderful World of Linux 2.6 Joseph Pranevich 03 A Word of Difference GUI & Office compare R. Kirk McPike 04May04 Micro$oft says The Halloween Documents "confidential Microsoft memorandum on Redmond's strategy against Linux & Open Source software" OSI reportage How will Gates fight Linux? It's a dead giveaway Guardian 18May03 Microsoft's Masterpiece of FUD Glyn Moody linuxjournal 19Sep06 Linux: A European threat to our computers ShelleyTheRepublican.com 20Apr06 + Linux & Windows Compared: The Facts 3May06 MS' Ballmer: Linux is communism The Register 31Jul00 New Microsoft Patents Bring A Sense Of Deja Vu Techdirt Jan07 Steve Ballmer's Linux Memo itmWEB 9Jun03 Gates on Linux USA Today 30Jun03 SCO's Suit: A Match Made in Redmond? BusinessWeek 11Mar04 Microsoft keeps its open source enemies close ZDNet UK 30Jun05 Windows support InfoHelp GNU/Linux s/w link page * * * * * [page ever under construction] |
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