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Alan Kennington "Everything is connected to everything else ..Open Source good. GPL bad" topology.org Melbourne All about Linux "Tips & Tricks in using & administering Linux" linuxhelp.blogspot.com & How to Repair a Corrupt MBR & boot into Linux AllLinuxCD.com "Where You Get Your Linux CDs" +BSD ALT Linux "Free software for free people" Moscow All Things Linux Scot's Newsletter Forums AlmostFreeLinux.com "Training Pack Demos" etc CDs Andrew Gregory's Webpages Apple 2 Emulator, Opera etc Aus Southern Cross Software Solutions C++ Java etc AP Lawrence "Unix&Linux Help, Resources &info for Unix/Linux, MacOSX".. Australian Service for Knowledge of Open Source Software ASK-OSS Dept of Education, Science & Training Canberra Bart Samwel Debian tips, GPL TLA FAQ, laptop mode etc Gouda BerliOS Developer "Fostering Open Source Development.. easy access to the best in CVS/SVN, mailing lists, bug tracking, message boards/forums, task management, site hosting, permanent file archival, full backups, & total web-based administration" De + SuperLinux Encyclopedia "rapid finding of documentation & other info of interest" + OpenFacts "Open Source Knowledge Database" wiki Bioweircom.org "Site for Bioinformatics Developers" + Howtos Canonical "development, distribution & promotion of open source software products.. tools & support" Isle of Man Eur N/Sth America Aus Carolina Open Source Initiative COSI NCSU US & sources list Center for Information Technology Integration CITI "applied research & development" projects techreports .. esp networks UniMichigan Codemonkey.org.uk Dave Jones codepoets.co.uk David & Katherine Goodwin + Clockwork Software Systems + Open Source Web Design UK + links Crynwr Software "email system design services" etc Russell Nelson NY + Free Software Business mailing list David Ranch "Linux, Networking, & other drivel" + TrinityOS: "A Guide to Configuring Your Linux Server for Performance, Security, & Manageability" eg Thoughts on Picking a Linux Distribution .. David S. Miller's Linux Networking Homepage kernel.org Dedoimedo.com "A place to learn a lot about a lot.. detailed guides & articles on a wide range of topics, including Linux & Windows, security, virtualization, hardware" blog DesktopLinux.com "join the DesktopLinux revolution" + Market survey 2004 "a more egalitarian oligarchy" 6May05 Desktop Linux Summit 22-23Apr04 CA Desktop-Linux.net "dedicated to the use of GNU/Linux as a desktop OS" Devolution.com + Maelstrom game Died's Page "Compaq & Linux mailing list" etc Diederick van Dijk + Modified Linux PPP/NT HOWTO Digital Hermit "Unix & Linux Solutions" math/science Kwan Lowe + tips ** Digital Overload "help people understand & use technology" Damien Hull eldritch.org "another geek homestead" Erskin & Marcella + CubeSoft Comms "Unix Hosting Software Development ..The Patent Office is carving up the intellectual domain of computer science & handing little pieces to any company that files an application" Atlanta-GA & Quebec-CAN + LPF Enterprise Linux Today "Your Enterprise Linux News" Eskimo North "Linux & Unix Resources" US ISP links Eunuchs.org "The Ultimate Linux Resource.. dir, info, search engine, & web guide" & Everything Linux bulk tips Michael Holve + Solaris + Mac Eurasia.nu "Your console hacking resource" forum tips shop etc The Evil Pixel "web development notes, production documentation & personal thoughts.. fun" Andy Thornton + Linux supervillain etc Exocore Consulting "corporate computing strategies, esp.. Open Source, data networks, Internet & Intranets.. throughout India & around the globe" [FirstLinux "First for Linux" guides & latest * * * :-\ defunct?] FLOSS "Libre" debate etc - IH link page Focus on Linux "Linux Operating System & Linux Distributions" etc About * FHG FOKUS "Research Institute for Open Communication Systems" Berlin Fotango Creative Solutions Grp "a major contributor to the Perl & Open source movement" etc + Ponie .. PDFedit "Free editor for PDF documents" sourceforge Fossmart "Open Source Products & Solutions [FOSSWALL, FOSSMART Mail Guardian, FOSSTS, FOSSOne]" FOSS not "libre" FLOSS debate etc - IH link page FOSS Sri Lanka "Free And Open Source Software Community" foss.lk Free & Open source Software Developers' European Meeting FOSDEM 00-07 FreeOS.com "The Resource Center for Free Operating Systems" * * * * Free Radio Linux "online & on-air radio station.. computerized reading of the code" + Hear me out rationale Free Standards Group "Safeguarding the Future of Linux Through.. Open Standards for Open Source.. Open & Free" + Linux Standard Base Project LSB "Standardizing The Penguin" Workgroup + LSB Certification The Open Group * * * * * geek.j2solutions.net "Misc rantings of a raving geek" GeekSpeek "Tech Talk for Geeks" * * * Gelato Community "Advancing Linux Itanium" & Tsinghua Uni High Performance Computing Institute Beijing GetLinuxOnline "Forums, News & Support" Global Linux "goal is to help make it the most popular" 98 + Links Google Search: Linux w/Tux Government Open Source Software Resource Center GOV-OSS-RC Nico Elema PhD study SA Greg K-H's Linux Stuff USB Tools Kernel Development slides etc kroah.com Hentzenwerke Developer's Studio Apartment "Linux Transfer Whitepapers & Other Resources" hermit.org Ian Cameron Smith UK HP & Linux "Real World Linux from HP" + OpenSource.hp.com * * * ibiblio "the public's library & digital archive" & linux archive: "over 171 gigabytes of Linux programs & documentation" IBM Linux at IBM "Business & Linux in an On Demand World" & developerWorks Speed-start program & eServer OpenPower servers + Learn Linux + certs * * * * IceTalk.com Linux News Security Education Jobs etc Icculus "The Helping Phriendly Box" game server The Inner Circle Mdk Amiga BBS etc WashUS internet.com + links IQWare "consultants for corporate Linux solutions" UK info + Java * IRC Logs Archive "useful info.. loggeg by us & not lost in the irc channels" JackassLinux.com "Linux for Jackasses" JBoss "Professional Open Source" Jeepsters Lair tips Slackware Slackintosh etc UK Jim O'Halloran's Weblog "Open Source, Race Cars, & Stuff" Adelaide + links Juju "Sufficiently Advanced Technology" JustLinux "Help File Library ..unique method of documentation that provides answers in a simple, direct format!" news & fora JupiterWeb was LinuxNewbie.org K-12 Linux "schools & agencies concerned with the ethical use of public funds" US "Libre" FLOSS debate etc - IH link page LinMagAu "Australian Linux/OpenSource Magazine" + links [moved?] Linux Apps INT Media Group LinuxAdvocate.org "run by a group of Linux users who work to spread awareness and use of Linux" + Tour etc Linux Asia 2006 "Asia's Premier Open Source Conference & Expo" 8-10Feb New Delhi Linux Australia "Linux is the future" via linux.conf.au conferences 1999-2022 & EverythingOpen.au 2023-... (deprecated Podcast Service "The Pod People Have Arrived!" & President Pia Smith/Waugh/Andrews blog) * * * * * Linux Beach "dedicated to the struggles of people everywhere to advance human progress & save this planet from the decline of capitalism" Clay Claiborne claysbeach.blogspot.co.nz US linuxcaffe "coffee, code, culture, community" Linux Center news LinuxCertified.com "Linux Training, Linux Certification & Linux Laptop" * * * LinuxChix Africa AfricaLinuxChix.Org news blogs etc Linux.com "The Enterprise Linux Resource.. goal is to be the most useful Linux & Open Source news & information resource ever seen by human eyes" OSTG + intro Reviews Jobs etc + The Linux.com Article Database linux.omnipotent.net ~Oct01 Linux Compatible driver news etc linux.conf.au "one of the world's best Open Source & Free Software developer community conferences!" 15-20Jan07 Uni New South Wales, Australia * * * * * * * * * * Linux Counter Project "18M" total users + ... LinuxDailyNews "The Independent Linux & Open Source Network" LinuxDevCenter.com O'Reilly AlphabeticalDirectory of LinuxCommands *** Linux Focus "a volunteer driven Linux magazine.. truly international & free" Linux For Kids! "a central organization to provide help for educators" Linux Format Future Publishing linuxformat.co.uk LinuxForum.com "The First Place You Should Look! Linux Help.. Download".. LinuxForums.org "all the knowledge you need" Open Source + Tutorials The Linux Foundation "dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux" npo + Collaboration Summit & Linux Standard Base LSB LinuxFund.org "where we are bigtime believers in Free & Open Source Software. And we put our money where our mouth is" Software Suspend etc Linuxgator.org "News Downloads Links Forums.. GNU/Linux is.. easy to use" PCLOS etc Linux Gazette .net & .com manuals "Making Linux just a little more fun.. The Linux community sharing information globally" Linux Journal Specialized Systems Consultants *** LinuxGoons news & fora Linux Greenhouse "virtual incubator & network for high-potential open source projects & companies" & OSI License Bureau Linux Guru "For all your Linux needs!" Linux Guruz "giving something back to Linux in return for.. faithful service" LinuxHardware.org "dedicated to providing the most in-depth computer hardware coverage available for the Linux OS" Linux Headquarters "easy to follow, step-by-step guides for Linux users" LINUX howtos & advocacy docs gstewart linux.sgms-centre.com Linux HQ "The Linux Information Headquarters" Linux Insider .com "Real-Time Linux News & Info from Around the World" Linux International "a non-profit association of groups, corporations & others that work towards the promotion of growth of the Linux operating system & the Linux community" Linuxiso.co.uk "quality printed media.. low prices.. UK.. Free Delivery" Leeds A-Wing Internet Services Andrew Hutchings "freelance coder of PHP & C.. Linux Consultant" Nth Wales + gkrellm-x86info for AMD64 Linux Journal "Since 1994: The Monthly Magazine of the Linux Community" & Groups of Linux Users Everywhere GLUE Linux Journal Interactive for subscribers Linux Line IBM Linux portal Linux Links "The Linux Portal" a central list * * * LinuxLookup.com "News, Reviews, HOWTOs, Guides & Gear" Linuxmafia tips & FAQs eg usergroup-howto Bay Area * * * * * Linux Magazine "Open Source. Open Standards" linux-mag.com Linux Magazine "for advanced Linux know-how" linux-magazine.com Linux & Main"Linux for the rest of us" news & articles Security etc Linux Mark Institute LMI "to issue proper licenses to authorized users" + Linux Trade Mark FAQ iLaw Aus + Linux Trademark Protection In Australia /. + The Linux Trademark - Tempest in a Teapot Groklaw 16Aug05 + Linux trademark in australia linux.org.au list 17Aug05 LinuxMedNews "Revolutionizing Medical Education & Practise.. GNU/Linux & Open Source Medical Software News" * * * * * LinuxNetMag De Linux Online "the homeplace of Linux on the net" linux.org CLUG's fav guide * * * * * Linux & Open Source Topic Center news eweek * * * Linux.org.uk Alan Cox + "An Intro To Linux.. What is Linux ?" + UK links Linux Orbit "Server or Desktop, GNU/Linux Just Works.. The help & info web site for all skill levels of Linux, BSD & other *NIX systems" Linux Pipeline Network Computing Linux Planet "A Guide to the Linux Operating System" tutorials The Linux Pocket Protector johnhacking.com Aus LinuxPower.org [defunct 02Jun02] Linux Professional Group "non-profit corp.. training & certification materials" Linux Public Broadcasting Network "It's Your Media Network - USE IT!" lpbn.org + Apachecon 2004 Keynote Presentations etc lpbn.net * * * * LinuxQuestions.org "Where Linux newbies come for help!" Linux Resource Link Directories documentation etc * * * * The Linux Review "Resources for Linux Users" linuxports.com CommandPrompt Inc Linux Reviewed "howtos tips tricks help.. Another beginners guide" Gentoo thelinuxshop.co.uk comprehensive CDs Linux Symposium "a core technology conference, targeting software developers working on the Linux kernel, OS infrastructure, security, networking, & related research projects" Ottawa04 Linux Times "An Online Linux Magazine" Linux Today news & Linux PR Linux Toolkit news etc ZDNet UK * * * Linux Universe "Freedom Is Universal" Learning Center HOWTO Index etc linux/unix news digg.com LinuxUser & Developer "UK's only magazine written specifically for Linux professionals & IT decision makers" Live Publishing linuxuser.co.uk Linux Virtual Server Project "highly scalable and highly available server built on a cluster of real servers" Linux on VM server optimisation Linux Weekly News LWN.net Newswire + LWN Community Calender Installfests, conferences etc LinuxWorld.com "Driving Enterprise Evolution" reg req + LinuxWorld.com.au "Australia's Premier Linux News Source" Little Igloo "a 'hot' place entirely devoted to Linux" s/ware Museum Tutorial links.. LiveJournal.org "the 'non-profit' wing of" LiveJournal.com "personal publishing ('blogging') tool" Loads of Linux Links LoLL sourceforge * * * * * LocalFOSS "Promoting FOSS in your backyard ..to help groups around the world promote their local Free & Open Source Software communities, both locally & internationaly" James & Karin Purser + McWhirter [consulting] "secure, modern, robust infrastructure" AU |
LugRadio "fortnightly British radio show, which takes a relaxed & humorous look at Linux & open source" eg
You spin me right round "Are the FSF & GNU still important?.." 23Apr07 LXer.com "Linux News.. up to the minute ..The world is talking about GNU/Linux & Free/Open Source Software" * * * Lynucs.org "The Free Desktop Screenshot Archive" Mad Penguin "There is no genius without a touch of madness" MaLinux Linux Userland Filesystem LUFS Florin Malita [defunct? Nov04] + Dan Muresan Bucharest Marc O. Gloor "homedirectory of my educational system account" Zurich * Matt Oquist FOSS consultant SFD majen.net + Vim manual MozillaQuest "Online Computer Magazine" diverse reviews + "Linux for Microsoft Windows Users" * * * Muktware "Linux & Free Software (Open Source) Web magazine" Belgium US + "A Linux User's Guide to Google+" Ubuntu Mint Fedora etc Nelogic OpenSource Development Technologies NePublisher PHP etc Nerdfest Network Operations Center webhost News InfoHelp link page - Technical etc [NewToLinux.co.uk (was NewToLinux.org.uk "Learning GNU/Linux the easy way" + links * * *) defunct? Nov04] Novell on Linux training etc + Novell & HP Solution Seminar * * * ObjectWeb "international consortium fostering the development of open-source middleware for cutting-edge applications: EAI, e-business, clustering, grid computing, managed services & more" Ohio LinuxFest US Olliance Group "independent business & strategy consulting firm whose mission is to help clients capitalize on the strategic, technological, & financial benefits of open source software" US Open for Business "The Independent Open Source Migration Journal" Universal Networks, Evangelical OpenEnterpriseTrends.com OET "Open Source Portal for Enterprise Developers" * OpenGeek.com =.biz Design Shop brds etc & OpenGeek.Org "fundamental right to learn & grow" Open Source Applications Foundation "Create & gain wide adoption of Open Source application software of uncompromising quality. Build an innovative, sustainable alternative application despite market inertia. Carry forward the vision of Vannevar Bush, Doug Engelbart, and Ted Nelson of the computer as a medium for communication, collaboration, and coordination.. Offer a choice of platforms and full interoperability amongst Windows, Macintosh, and Linux versions" Mitch Kapor CA Open Source in Australia "one-stop shop" Open Source Experts Group OSEG + Open Source Business Network SA South Australia "A National Body Is Being Created - Hold On For Its Announcement!" + Open Source Industry Australia OSIA "the national industry body.. to further the cause of both Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in Australia.. to help our members to improve their business success in this growing sector" + Open Source Victoria "Industry Cluster" + Society of Linux Professionals (Western Australia) SLPWA Open Source Business Conference "Open source has moved beyond Linux. OSBC shows you where it's going, and who's leading the charge" US OpenSource.com "story.. applied to the world.. The open source way.. A Red Hat cxommunity service" opinions Open source & the Creative Commons "organised movement has its roots in the 1980s.. Free Software Foundation" By HAYDEN WELLES The Press Tue16Sep08 Open Source Technology Group OSTG "where technology is going.. the leading network of technology sites for today's IT managers & development professionals.. A subsidiary of VA Software" Open Source Software - Resource "in honor of Software Freedom Day 2017" Laura Michaels distasis.com OpenSourceVersusProprietarySoftware + Windows vs Linux: a modern desktop comparison 28Apr05 * * * The Open Source Weblog "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" openSubscriber.com "Browse public discussion groups without clogging up your Inbox" Open Systems Group "Failure Free Consulting.. custom technology solutions" US OptimumOSS Technologies "Community Friendly Organization.. proud Associate Member of Free Software Foundation & OSDL" Canberra Oracle Corp "makes Linux unbreakable" O'Reilly OSDir.com "Open Source, Linux News & Software" + Screenshot Tours of distros + Linux/Unix Center administration books * * * * * OSDisc.com "all the latest Linux & BSD distributions on CD" Denver CO OSNews "Exploring the future of computing" distro reviews etc O3 "Open Source Enterprise Data Networking Magazine" Spliced Networks PAMurray Assocs "Real time embedded signal processing" CA & Linux Lunacy 2003 photos incl Linus Paradox Inc "Mindless review information on the crap I enjoy" + Basic Linux + Dell Inspiron 600m etc + links Paul Beardsell "Open Systems Consultant" Bahamas the pAved earth "online radio station playing crock alternative.. new server runs GNU/Linux" PCLinuxOnline Desktop Linux News PCTech101 CD sellers SuSE etc Love of Scents US pop-ups+ Penguin Desktops NY Penguin Pete's "extraordinarily geeky site about Free & Open Source Software & the wonders thereof" + Linux/BSD babes Phoronix "Linux Reviews & Articles on Computers.. Linux Hardware Reviews, Benchmarking & Gaming.." Planet SoC "official community site for Google Summer of Code students & mentors since 2005" Pla-netx.com "Bug free software just has random features" PHP + links Puget Sound Technology "BSD, Linux, Open source training & technical support.. Pacific Northwest & beyond" + Puget Sound Network Users Group PSNUG "Building Technical Skills Through Teamwork & Education!" +Win *** Raldz Dot Weblog "When life & technology clashes.. Linux & Open Source News" blog ex raldz.dot.tech "dark technology as i see it.." Gerald Cortez CA ReallyLinux.com "International Site for Linux Beginners" Mark Rais Ricardo "linux server for the Dept of Economics at Wake Forest Uni" NC USA Prof Allin Cottrell PLUG + TeX Richard Wade "Internet Community Work" etc protocols rikwade.com UK Rob Fisher's Homepage Linux Tips, Nanotechnology etc US ROCK Linux Web Portal SearchEnterpriseLinux "The Web's best Linux-specific info resource for enterprise IT professionals" TechTarget Network SearchOpenSource.com "News & expert advice on Linux & open source software strategies" + links Shazbot Blog "Tech stuff, Music & semi-random abuse" UK Silicon Graphics, Inc "committed to taking a leadership role in the ongoing development & improvement of the performance & reliability of the Linux operating system" + SGI ProPack supercomputer OS etc Simon Phipps, Webmink OpenSolarisUG UK + "Essays on Software Freedom" * * * * Solarbotics.net "BEAM robotics community" SourceForge.net "the world's largest Open Source software development website, with the largest repository of Open Source code & applications available on the Internet" OSDN + Loads of Linux Links * * * * * SourceLabs "Dependable Open Source Systems & premium support & maintenance subscriptions for enterprise IT organizations" vs RedHat/Novell + Bruce Perens 8Jun05 Southern California Linux Expo SCALE 11-12Feb06 LA eg Cal Dept Motor Vehicles Specifix "Conary: a set of tools & technologies for building distributions" ex-RH&Cygnus tech execs The State of Open Source SOS TWiki Globewide Network Academy Spoofers "If it wasn't for C, we would be using BASI, PASAL, & OBOL" + Linux version 0.99 email d/l ist.co.nz Stalinux.com "People's Operating System - by the NKVD.. compulsory & free.. for the working class" Steamed Penguin "Not Your Usual Meal" - redconcepts.net & Freedom2Operate PHP etc Sys Admin "the journal for UNIX systems administrators" Tectonic "Africa's source for open source news" + links + Soul Beat Africa "Communication for Change" & Guide to Open Source Software Initiatives & People GOSSIP + DireqLearn "African Technology in Education Solutions Provider" + ictworld Information Computer Technology Ted Roche & Assocs "Successful, high-quality software training, mentoring & development" NH USA +Win Temple of the Screaming-Penguin TotSP "source does matter" forum Theoretical Physics at Uni Winnipeg Introductory programming etc Randy Kobes The $139 Linux PC oreillynet.com 2Aug07 tinyminds.org "bringing users closer to linux" The Turing Group US Net Host Co, downloads etc Tux.Org "umbrella organization supporting the efforts of Users Groups & Developers" Suse isos etc Tuxme.com "Don't fear the Penguin! ..windows powerusers - turned linux newbies ..latest happenings" TuxWare TuxShop "Linux/Tux product store" T's mugs etc CafePress + ThinkGeek "stuff for smart masses" store etc + Kill Bill T Tux & gnu love story @ European Parliament & Have you seen Tux? pix flickr.com/groups/tux/ UKLinux.net "the UK's free Linux ISP.. & the best online Linux resource in the UK" UNESCO Free Software Portal links Unix Fool tips Wigglit.com Ron Sinclair + Wifi Uptime s/w articles etc Tony Steidler-Dennison VarLinux.org news forum Victoria Linux Enthusiasts Group VLE South Texas + Aloe Software Group Warped Systems "I can do that with Linux.." Can + links WebTrek "Linux training & development services.. in limbo" RH LPI Web Upd8 "Ubuntu / Linux blog" webupd8.org Whirlpool Forums - Linux/BSD Aus Xmodulo.com "Linux FAQs, tips & tutorials" YoLinux.com "...dedicated to providing tutorials, guides & links for Linux users" International / User Groups Albanian Linux Users Group Prishtina Kosova Asianux "enterprise platform" db Red Flag Software, Miracle Linux & Haansoft - Beijing Tokyo Seoul Austral Club Linux Coffs Harbour "a self-help group of GNU/Linux users" + Coffs Ex-Services Computer Club + Alma Technology "utilises technology to enhance business, life & communities, by being part of an ecosystem of forward-thinking people who are involved in collaborative I.T. projects, consulting & educating - encouraging creativity & technical freedom" Department of Automation & Systems DAS Tecnological Center of Santa Catarina Federal Uni Brasil + ftp Digital Free Software Assn Tunisia Florida Linux User Xchange FLUX Fraser Valley LUG FVLUG Abbotsford British Columbia + Nyetwork wiki tips *** freax.homelinux.net "Linux speaks Uzbek" Free & Open Source Software Foundation Malaysia fossfm npo "to better serve the Malaysian FOSS community" Free & Open Source Software Society Malaysia foss.org.my Free Software Association - Bulgaria & OpenFest "A World Day For Free Software ..annual conference dedicated to free & open source software, free culture & free knowledge share.. professional lectures" 14Sept03.. Sofia *** Free Software Macedonia & Free Software Flood 03Jun04 & Lugola.net GNU/Linux Users Group French language sites: LinuxFr.Org Developers Advisory ; French speaking Linux & Libre Software Users' Assn ; LoveTux.net group ; Solinux service co ; Toolinux ; TuxFamily.org "Free Network Services" ; Andreu Bassols MANtoHTML Palm etc ; Ze Linux Nouvelles etc ; Gnuworld-fr.org "Linux BSD Unix Solaris" Georg Jakob Law & Informatics Uni Salzburg + links German language sites: EasyLinux 'Simple, Clear, Userfriendly' ; Heise Hot ; Linux Community ; Linux Magazin ; LinuxTag Linux Day "Where .com meets .org"; Linux Verband ; Win on Lin Wine ; Unperfekthaus free stay / OSS project GetGNULinux.org "ordinary GNU/Linux users, inspired, but distinct from, the Free Software Foundation" GNU/Linux Matters Toulouse France from "financially-sustainable advocacy project" Nuxified "GNU/Linux Help Forums" Libervis.com "The Digital Freedom Community ..digital technology ..explore & discuss social & ethical challenges" Towards a complete Free Software market etc * * * * * Hack.gr Greece Hungarian Unix Portal "Unix. The real power" + Hungarian Linux User's Group HuLUG + LinuxBazis "the only hungarian Linux search engine" Igalia "Free Software: GNU/Linux based technologies consultancy" Galicia Sp India: FOSS.IN "India's premier FOSS event" + The GNU/LINUX Fanatics' Group LINUXjunkies Foundation, West Bengal + My Home Page "India is emerging as the fastest GNU/Linux OS advocating nation" & Mumbai LUG + Linux for Academia UNICS etc nilesh.org + Linux Trivia Quiz Sumit Dhar + Lanka Software Foundation "Fuelling FOSS in Sri Lanka" R&D npo Sahana Disaster Management System etc + FOSS Nepal Community Italian language sites: Gruppo Utenti FreeBSD Italia GUFI Linux Cabal SanFran+Mexico en Espanol + links + 4to Festival GNU/Linux y Software Libre Linux Donanim Turkish Linux news portal Linux Iran "Open Minds. Open Source. Open Future." Lucynix Ethiopia "women in computing" blog SFD EFOSSNet etc Iraqi Linux Group Portal "Open Source. Open Mind. Open Knowledge." + Streamtime.org blogs Japan: Tokyo Linux Users Group tlug.jp & OnJapan.net "provides support for online collaboration.. Mac OS X, Linux, *BSD programming & administration in Japan" Jim Tittsler Tokyo onnz.net Linux Middle East "Open Source Community" Egypt + Linux Egypt LUG Malta LUG SevenC Computing "Serving Your Business IT with Linux" Linux Professionals Assn of South Africa linuxafrica.co.za Sheffield Linux User's Group sheflug Software Liberty Assn of Taiwan SLAT softwareliberty.org SOLIS "Free Software Co-operative" Brasil + SOLAR Asociacion de Usuarios y usuarias de Software Libre Argentina Spanish language sites: GNU Chile Project + LinEspa "Linux para todos.. en Espanol" + PreguntasLinux Portal & hackcamp.info & SFD07 tincan.co.uk + Festival Latinoamericano de Instalacion de Software Libre FLISOL.net & FLISOL Peru & FLISOL Mexico & FLISOL wikipedia Yiluda.net php apache mysql & linux manuals China Microsoft has a majority market share Bug #1 in Ubuntu osCommRe "Services Online" SENATH Pty Ltd "Enterprise Open Source.. first Australian PaaS Cloud Platform" senathltd.com [page ever under construction] LINUX® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in several countries. |
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