Otautahi / Christchurch Coastal Residents' Network (OCCRN)
An online and social hub for the collation and exchange of up-to-date contact and other important information, relevant to the coastal residents of Otautahi/Christchurch and their representative advocacy associations. A mapped community of common interest, where neighbouring areas also at risk of storm or tsunami flood effects have been included. This is to facilitate the speedier dissemination of accurate alerts of an evacuation being necessary or not. Google "occrn"
List runs north to south, then west:
North Shore Residents' Association
Bev Creighton, Secretary, 382-1881
meets Tuesdays 7.30pm @ Mauger's Site Office cnr Aston Drive & Orlando Crescent
North New Brighton Residents' Association
Linda McGillavry, Secretary, 388-1924
meets last Wednesday monthly 7.30pm @ North New Brighton Community Centre, 93 Marine Parade
New Brighton Residents' Association
Steve Burke, Chair, 382-6286 / 027-440-1508
meets second Monday monthly 7pm @ Burwood-Pegasus Community Board Room, cnr Beresford & Union Street
circular: the New Brighton Echo
South Brighton Residents' Association
meets 1st Monday 7.30pm
South Shore Residents' Association
Bob Stevenson, Chair, 388-5335; Michelle Hunter, Vice Chair, 388-2622
meets 2nd Wednesday 7.30pm
circular: the Southshore Beacon
Bexley Residents' Association
Barry Tutt, Chair, meets
Bromley Community Residents' Association
Mrs Karen East, Secretary, 389-5566 / 027-366-1830
meets first Tuesday monthly 7.30pm? @ MacKenzies Hotel 51 Pages Road
Ferrymead/Brookhaven Residents' Association
Debra Ogier, Secretary, 365-2652
meets 3rd Monday 7.30pm @ 7 Ti Rakau Drive, in recess at present
Heathcote Valley Community Association
Ian McLeod, Chair, 384-3321; Hugh Matthews, Secretary, 384-1831
meets last Wednesday monthly 7.30pm @ St Mary's Village Hall cnr Martindales & Truscott's Road
Christchurch Estuary Association
Derek Keenan, Secretary, 980-4593
meets last Thursday monthly 7pm @ Mount Pleasant Yacht Club
Mount Pleasant Residents' Association
Linda Rutland, Chair, 384-2160
meets last Monday monthly 7pm @ Mount Pleasant Community Centre
Redcliffs Residents' Association
Pat McIntosh, Secretary, 376-6133
meets first Monday of month, 7.30pm at Redcliffs Library, Main Road, Redcliffs.
Sumner Residents' Association
Shirley Fairhall, Chair, 326-6355; Peter Hansen, Secretary,
meets second Tuesday monthly 7.30pm @ Sumner Community Centre, Nayland Street
Woolston Community Association
Mrs Doreen Orsbourn, 389-2737; Catherine Coomber, Secretary/Treasurer, Bs 389-3720, Hm 981-1072
meets 3rd Tuesday, 7pm
Roimata neighbourhood group
Katie Nimmo, Chair,
Inner City East Neighbourhood Group - ICE
Linwood Community Arts Centre
Inner City West Neighbourhood Association - ICON
Therese Minehan, Chair, 366-0435
meets third Thursday monthly 7.30pm @ the George Hotel level 3
Christchurch Combined Residents' Association
Ralph Ross, President, 385-5110; Carole Greenfield, Secretary, 344-1947
Refs: Christchurch City Council, search "citizens" on
CINCH; + register group emergency plans with CCC Readynet civil defence use of
readynetinfo.co.nz emergency preparedness network -
media release; +
Residents' Associations - formation and recognition policy; NZ Residents & Community Associations 2009 National Register residents.org.nz Canterbury / Christchurch City.
[some info/links are out of date, post-earthquakes 2010-11]
OCCRN support / webpage admin: Rik Tindall, current Estuary Association Chair, former Environment Canterbury councillor for Christchurch East; please email changes to rik[AT]infohelp.co.nz
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