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see ANZA Technology Network below BarCamp Christchurch "ad-hoc gathering.. for people to share & learn in an open environment" 7Sep07 Connectivity '06 "NZ's premier trade event for electronics & software companies to display their world-leading products & services" Chch Intnl Convention Centre 21-22Nov06, since "Unlocking the world's bestkept technology secret" Electronics South Chch 2-3Nov04 NZ Innovation Festival "Not-for-Profit organisation committed to building a Culture of Innovation in NZ, & encouraging entreprenurial growth in the economy.. not limited to one industry, one region or one location" 'annual' 28Jun-11Jul04Ackd 26Apr-15May05Wgtn not-06 + Events Search * * * * Explorations Adapt to Experience ATE John S Veitch Chch & OpenFuture.co.nz "Creating trusted connections between people that make new learning & innovation possible" & Veech Innovation Network Ryze biznet & Street Groups Limited "email service connecting neighbours in a densely connected electronic common" & Newbies Step by Step blogspot + SocialEntrepreneurEmpowerment.com Series "FREE Conscious Business Training" etc AskNature.org "Innovation Inspired by Nature" Biomimicry Institute Montana US ANZA Technology Network Technology Showcase Conference "Building a global brand for Australian & New Zealand Technology" CA 2-4Jun02 San Fran + 9-11Nov03 Palo Alto Silicon Valley + 5-17Nov04 ... US Summit 21-22Oct08 Sunnyvale CA 2004 APEC Science Ministers' Meeting Mar04 Chch Bios Fuel "The Fuel of the Future TODAY" H2O Ackd + fuelforlife.com More business consultants infohelp link page ChristchurchNZ.com "city's economic development & city profile agency charged with igniting bold ambition, excitement, connecting changemakers, stimulating economic activity & attracting visitors" Big Data & Government Policy: The Integrated Data Infrastructure RNZ 23Jul19 NZ Edge "Identity, stories, achievement & place" E-government in NZ "changing the way government works" ..slowly? + The i3 Challenge (2003) "ideas innovation investment" - "the Governments strategic direction for RS&T 2003-2005" MoRST + Digital Strategy proposes new directions for ICT Hon David Cunliffe 11Jun04 Genesis Research and Development Corporation: discovery-based biotechnology HiGrowth Project "catalyst for quantum change in NZ's ICT industry. Industry-owned & government-backed" Ackd Idealog "The Voice of the Creative Community" mag online Ackd The Ideas Exchange Innoventeur TM Zone: The Small Business Centre for Technology, Innovation and Creativity interlace-ie "builds the 3rd Generation Science & Technology Park designed with an open architecture that connects resourceful urban & regional capabilities in science, technology & innovation to successfully compete in a global environment" Investment NZ "Trade New Zealand Corporate Web Site... a nation & location of innovation" ITANZ "the NZ national association of organisations involved in the development, production, marketing & support of goods & services related to the processing of information" (MS) + Outsource2NewZealand promotional campaign etc Kiwi Expats Association KEA: most recent meeting, London Kiwi Ingenuity Ltd KIWI (1996): Auckland University of Technology "biomedical research and consultancy" lab Knowledge Nelson "to further the concept of an IT Cluster for Nelson" Knowledge Wave Trust "creating kiwi prosperity" by Conferences: "A Forum for NZ's Top Decision-Makers - of Today and Tomorrow" National Network of Technological Societies links * * * Number Eight Enterprises Ltd "Intellectual Property & Development" 173 Gloucester St NZi3 "national ICT Innovation Institute based at the University of Canterbury.. formerly known as UCi3.. 'hothouse' of strategic ICT research" NZ International Science Festival 2-11 July 04 Dunedin "City of Science" NZTECH.org.nz "connect, promote & advance.. technology ecosystem to help the tech sector & the economy to grow" + Technology Investment Network TIN 'New Zealand wants you': the problem with tech at the edge of the world "There is no limit to the export of software, services & intellectual property in creative industries" Guardian UK Science and Innovation Advisory Council SIAC "New Zealanders: Innovators to the world, turning great ideas into great ventures" SkillPort "e-Learning for the Knowledge economy" Aus US Telecommunications Users Assn of NZ TUANZ "the user's champion in the knowledge economy" 1986 Trade 90/20 Technologies "lower costs & more sales through innovative technology solutions" VisualDispatch QuickSwitch & lookup.net mobile 69 Cambridge Tce Allied Telesyn Research "AR routers & Layer 3 switches" 27 Nazareth Ave & alliedtelesyn.com "It's Our Network, Too!" worldwide Applied Research Associates NZ 3D modelling etc. Ground Floor St Elmo Courts 47 Hereford St Centre for Advanced Engineering CAE "Collaborative Action > Advancing Solutions > Progressing Knowledge.. not-for-profit organisation established as a trust in 1987, to commemorate the centenary of the School of Engineering at the University of Canterbury, & is based at the University" Ocean Resources, Infrastructure Systems, Risk Management, Sustainable Technologies, Emerging Technologies caenz.com Champion Canterbury Awards 2003 Tait Electronics, 2004 Crop & Food Research, 2005.. + 2009 est NZ Hi-Tech Awards/Trust 2011.. * * * * * Canterbury Electronics Group "Canterbury's Silicon Plains.. six companies - Trimble Navigation, Powerware, Pulse Data, Allied Telesyn, Dynamic Controls & Tait Electronics - have joined forces" + Electronics South "Canterbury Electronics Cluster" Chch component e-market * * * * * Canterbury Innovation Incubator Cii "linking people, technology, capital & facilities.. to accelerate the growth of emerging high technology companies" 200 Armagh St * * * * * CapITalise on IT / value delivery, project management 12 O'Connor Pl Chch5 + links [CanTech Technology Services Cluster x Apr05] CES Communications "encryption technologies for voice and fax" 14 Leslie Hills Dr CommArc Independent Technology Consultants "ideas factory" 25 Carlyle St Connect Canterbury "The fast track for technology business" L2 Bradley Nuttall House 162 Manchester St NZTE & CDC IndraNet technology "a fourth generation wireless broadband multimedia tridimensional fractal communication mesh network technology endowed with advanced computing capabilities" 242 Ferry Rd + Linux Interface Security Hardware Keylogger & Hardware Serial Monitor, 109 Montreal St KeyGhost "a tiny plug-in device that records every keystroke typed on any PC" 109 Montreal St Navman "advanced, affordable GPS navigation, communications & marine electronics for business & recreation" OEM Solutions L3 BNZ Bldg 129 Hereford St worldwide Pulse Data International "Innovative solutions for people with visual impairments" 1 Expo Pl Remote Video Streaming RVS "transmit video & audio over 50km line of site.. streamed onto the web via a fiber optic connection to the internet" Matthew D Wilson Marketing 021-348-001 Red Bull Skyboard Skydiving Glider "chasing a slice of aviation history" Temuka StopCom "handheld cellular detection device named CellTrac-r" StThosCantyColl * Syft Technologies "real-time high-throughput high-sensitivity VOC analysis" Geof Peck 3 Craft Pl Middleton Tait Electronics "Radio Communications" 175 Roydvale Ave etc worldwide Tyco Services NZ "world's largest manufacturer, installer, & provider of fire protection, life safety systems, services & electronic security services" 35 Byron St, 60 Lunns Rd, 2 & 211 Maces Rd, 261 Annex Rd & Timaru Share: WeTransfer.com Travel: hitchBOT.me "Sometimes bad things happen to good robots!" Canada & wikipedia + RoboThespian "the ultimate acting humanoid designed for human interaction in a public environment" UK Simplify - Zen 3 fallacies of embracing complexity "the various tasks of development - poverty eradication, improving governance, climate action, gender equality, & so on - are all connected, making development a 'complex' challenge.. every organization believes it is embracing complexity by doing something different - when in fact, it may not be doing so" Yuen Yuen Ang UNDP.org 12Jun18 bk How China Escaped the Poverty Trap 2016 The Australia Institute "For a Just, Sustainable, Peaceful Future" Canberra + "Growth Fetish" affluenza bk + The Wellbeing Manifesto etc Lifehacker.com "Computers make us more productive. Yeah, right. Lifehacker recommends the downloads, web sites & shortcuts that actually save time. Don't live to geek; geek to live" "Take your rubbish problem to the experts" Shelley Howells NZ Herald 06Jun03: Clutterers Anonymous LA ; Mind Over Clutter "dedicated to clutter free living" US? + forum ; OrganizedHome.Com "Get Organized At Home! Tips & Tools" US ; The Six Costs of Clutter - The Dollar Stretcher "Weekly Resource for Simple Living Saving You Time & Money Since 1996 " Florida The Simple Living Network "Tools, Examples & Contacts For Conscious, Simple, Healthy & Restorative Living" US + The Web Of Simplicity manual * * Breathe Calmly Art of Living Foundation "We Care for the World & We Care for You" * * * The Brights "International Internet Constituency.. naturalistic worldview.. free of supernatural & mystical elements" Humanism etc CA + regular International Brights Meetup Day "4th Monday of every month" & BrightRights "to enhance the image of brights & ensure free exercise of bright rights" The Cluetrain Manifesto "The End of Business as Usual" bk US Shibumi "understanding, rather than knowledge. Eloquent silence" Computer Assisted Learning for the Mind CALM.auckland.ac.nz "All of us want to have a happy life" + CALM.indiana.edu "Free Web-Based Learning Tool" US Feel. Focus. Flow. tinybuddha.com/blog "Simple wisdom for complex lives".. |
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