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Computer training providers, central Canterbury
Academy Group
Ace Computer Training
Adept Secretarial + Training Services
Age Concern 64 Cashel St Ch-ch [11am-1.30pm Weds?]
Take Another Look at night classes "Help us to convince the Government to reconsider the 2009 decision to cut funding for community education.. Much more than you think - and yet they could be so much more!" Schools offering ACE class-list etc
Apostolic Training Centres ATC Chch Campus 334 Manchester St
Auldhouse L1 Chas Luney House 250 Oxford Tce
Avonmore Tertiary Academy Linux+ MS etc * * *
Carich Computer Training (= NCMT)
Christchurch College of Computing ICT: year 13 high school
Christchurch College of Education teacher training
Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology CPIT & New Zealand Broadcasting School Mode 96.1FM "premium station catering to the sophisticated, independent thinkers of Canterbury" & Weekend College & Computing for Free NACCQ * *
Computerland Corporates - now Executrain (USA)
Datasouth Microsoft business trainer
Design and Arts College of New Zealand
Electec College of Technology
40+ Employment Support Trust retraining for the over-forties Mature Employment Support Assn 141 Hereford St
Information Technology Institute L2 249 Madras Street
Lincoln University LU Carbon Calculator for NZ Agriculture & Horticulture * * *
MicroTech Microsoft business trainer
National College of Design & Technology
National College of Multimedia & Technology (= Carich)
Open Polytechnic of NZ "Education anywhere, anytime" L1 Moorhouse City 166 Moorhouse Ave + Lower Hutt & Ackd & [was F3 Applefields Building 50-56 Kilmore St]
Salvation Army Employment Plus TOPS courses
SeniorNet "Learning centers for older adult computer users" 13 Canty/WCoast + Queensland Aus + San Fran "bringing wisdom to the information age" + etc ..
Software Education Group "training & consultancy.. public & in-house training for the Software Development Professional in NZ & Aus" testing etc Wgtn & Brisbane + Chch meets
Southern Institute of Technology (Ch-ch &) Invercargill
Spherion (were Interim Technology)
Toucan House "NZ Online Education, Flexible Open Learning, Customised Training & Technology Based Education" 137A High St
Trike Technologies [folded Feb04]
University of Canterbury UC Depts & 98.5FM student radio & I.T. (CLUG mail server: status) & Computer Science & Software Engineering & Electrical & Computer Engineering * * * + STAR Course high school students "sample computer science at university level" + Golden Key International Honour Society Chapter + Postgraduate Cert in Professional Development (Electronics & ICT) Massey Canterbury Waikato Unis & AUT
Warehouse Stationery "Key For Free" tuition 0800 10 10 63

Research sites: training
Another Brick in the Wall "Democratic Education in the 21st Century ..attempt to establish participation, freedom, and responsibility in my classroom just as the students will be expected to do when they graduate and begin participation in this democratic society of the United States" blog
National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications NACCQ Bulletin of Applied Computing & Information Technology BACIT + PC Drivers Licence **
NZ Computer Society Inc International Computer Driving Licence + monthly Chch mtgs
NZQA New Zealand Qualification Authority (to check out training providers)
Skill New Zealand Government youth training support
Software Educational Learning Centre distance learning
Teachme "the most comprehensive list of IT training providers, courses, schedules & course materials in NZ"
Certification Crazy "one of the best listings of free computer certification information on the Internet" NZ +++FOSS * * * *
Assn for Computing Machinery ACM 1947 "the world's first educational & scientific computing society" subscr courses NY + Ubiquity "IT opinion Mag & Forum" etc + classics * * * * *
Colorado State University Computer Science Dept esp "artificial intelligence, software engineering, & parallel & distributed computation"
Computing Technology Industry Assn CompTIA Certifications US
Dalhousie University Faculty of Computer Science Halifax NS + Global Information Networking Institute University Services Inc GINIus program
Globewide Network Academy Distance Learning & Wiki Guides, Web Resources etc 1993 Texas
Edu-Directory "Continuing Education Vocational Schools Trade Colleges" US
HackerTeen "sequence of courses on computer security & entrepreneurship, designed with young people in mind - teens between 14 & 19" & Telecentro Brasil +++FOSS * * * * *
Imperial College London Dept of Computing + links +FOSS
Institute for Computational Mathematics ICM "research in a broad spectrum of areas of cm & scientific computation" Kent State Uni Ohio
International Distance Learning Course Finder
Internet Course Finders (non-computing also)
Khan Academy .org "over 3,200 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, & history & hundreds of skills to practice.. to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace" youtube US + MS * * * *
KHS Teacher Resources Math Science History links etc Jefferson County Schools US
Louisiana Tech Uni Cobol etc
Microsoft Training & Certification Formal Microsoft qualifications
MISTICA project "Methodology & Social Impact of the Information & Comunication Technologies in America" 2 years/objectives Networks & Development Foundation Santo Domingo
Open Systems Group Computing & Networking Services Uni Florida
Oxford University Computing Services UK + OSS Watch "Open Source Advisory Service.. neutral & authoritative guidance about free & open source software, & about related open standards" ++OSS * * *
SkillSoft "The e-Learning Solutions Company" Ire Can Aus US + Technology Skills
SmartCertify Direct "a division of SkillSoft, offers a wide variety of fast & effective training solutions for the IT industry" Linux+ * *
TechLink "involve >> evolve - for teachers, students and technologists" IPENZ
Testking "practice tests / study guides - MCSE, MCDBA, MCSD, MCSA, MCP, CIW, A+" "Online, Diploma & Certificate Courses.. NZ's best resource for Vocational Training, Colleges & Universities" & The Ultimate Guide to Learning IT Security eg affiliated
WirelessDevNet Online Training US * * *

Research sites: hardware terminology & fixes
See Computer InfoHelp link page

[page under construction]
Active Literacy / Free Training
For a life of achievement you need to be literate, so you might as well get used to it straight off. Once you've learnt to read well at home, school or wherever, the computing world and big-money careers become open to you.

Next then, you have two choices:
1. Borrow and/or pay someone else big money to train you at their pace, or
2. Have the Internet revolution drive your knowledge on, at your own pace.

Option 1's main assets are the network of friends you'll meet on courses, sharing up-to-date skills and interests, and formal qualifications. For option 1, training providers are listed at left and below on this page. Some websites and organisations listed - local and distant - offer free training opportunities also. There is non-computer training too.

Most paid courses will direct you online for advanced study anyway. So if you're ready for option 2 now, start here: Softpanorama "(slightly skeptical) Open Source Software Educational Society"; continue with GNU/Linux+OSS, technical News & Webwork InfoHelp link pages; for a look at the future of online training, see MIT OpenCourseWare. Good luck ~ Rik :-)

Other training, Canterbury
Adventure Education diving 427 Tuam St & Kaikoura Bluff Nelson + Nth Is "encouraging learning in Maths, English, Science & Commerce.. create well-educated, innovative & hard-working NZers who will lead us proudly into the future"
Christchurch Flying School "Trial flights, pilot licences, aircraft hire" etc 14 Waipara St Cracroft
Community Education web IT search School Server for diverse courses ***
The Drama Centre tuition Cranmer Building, Arts Centre Chch
English "sure, logical, fun & FREE way to learn English, build English vocabulary, & improve English spelling through Latin & Greek root words & English exercises" Lois Wells
NZ School of Food & Wine Hays restaurant 63 Victoria St + links
Going Places "tourism & travel training for tomorrow" 249 Madras St
International Aviation Academy of NZ Chch International Airport
Mainland Commercial Driving School 7b Birmingham Dr Chch
Optimum Learning "removing limitations for Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADD/ADHD, Maths challenges, Handwriting problems, Reading/writing difficulties, Specific subject difficulties" 156 Milns Rd Halswell
Sing It! School for Vocal Tuition
Sir George Seymour National College of Tourism & Travel L1 829 Colombo St
NZ School of Travel & Tourism NZSTT "widely regarded as the premier training facility for travel & tourism in NZ"
Sustainable Living "everyday changes that will reduce your environmental impact at home" + links ***
Te Waananga o Aotearoa The University of NZ, Te Ara Reo Maaori courses, SIT Moorhouse Ave & Oxford Rd Wigram

Wider NZ
Adult Community Education ACE Aotearoa Wgtn
Dev Academy Aotearoa "trains you to be job ready.. Learn to code with industry professionals.. graduate as a work-ready programmer in just 17 weeks" Wgtn & Ackd
(e)-vision Wellington digital/web training space
Information Technology Institute online Wgtn
Internet Soc of NZ npo "high performance & unfettered access for all" Wgtn
Mr Barber "high quality Barber Training" Ackd
NZ Institute of Business Studies home PC writing, cartoons etc Ackd
NZ Qualifications Authority certification Wgtn Ackd etc
Open Polytechnic of NZ "NZ's national provider of flexible open learning for individuals & organisations" 86 Wyndrum Ave Lower Hutt + Ackd
Quantum Education Group "English, business, hospitality, culinary arts, travel & tourism, flying, professional counselling & information technology, providing you with industry relevant skills & qualifications" Ackd etc
Telford Rural Polytehnic "Mobile IT Bus" Computing 4 Free training Balclutha
University of Auckland (UA)
University of Otago (UO)
University of Waikato School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences
Victoria University of Wellington (VUW)
Waikato Institute of Technology free Self Paced Applied Computer Education SPACE Hamilton

Research sites: World Wide Web internet Web Search tutorials etc (many good training links)
A Brief History of the Future "The Origins of the Internet" John Naughton 1999 UK
Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia +++OSS * * *
Connected Earth "How communication shapes the world.. Mankind's astonishing journey from the telegraph to the broadband age" British Telecom v.Flash! * * *
Ecma International "facilitates the timely creation of a wide range of global Info & Comms Tech (ICT) & Consumer Electronics (CE) standards"
Error 404: Doubting the Web essay Stuart Moulthrop School of Comms Design Uni Baltimore 2000 [link gone]
European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN Swiss/French border where Internet began & World Wide Web Consortium W3C growing the Net since * * *
Fake certificates? Top Journalism Schools .org "Guide to Online Journalism Degrees"
Federal Communications Commission FCC "independent US government agency, directly responsible to Congress.. regulates interstate & international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite & cable"
First Monday "Peer-reviewed journal of the Internet"
future of the web "the greatest impacts of the Web revolution are yet to come" HP
International Telecommunication Union ITU "to ensure an efficient & on-time production of high quality standards" & World Summit on the Information Society WSIS UN UNESCO etc confs Geneva 10Dec03, Tunisia 16-18Nov05 + links & What Society IS "Civil Society is WSIS" journo lobby + links
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IANA "preserving the central coordinating functions of the global Internet for the public good" "The Internet & IT Network"
Internet FAQ Archives Online Education + Cities Schools Hospitals Fact Index US
Internet Society ISOC & The Internet Engineering Task Force IETF
Internet technical News & WWWebwork InfoHelp link pages
The Internet under Surveillance "Obstacles to the free flow of information online" report 19Jun03 Reporters Without Borders Fr web help for beginners
internet2 "accelerating the creation of tomorrow's Internet" US
Interoute "Europe's most advanced & densely-connected data network" Glossary etc
Living Internet "Internet History" etc * * * * *
Net Guide the mag online Ackd - ISP lists, web awards etc
NetLingo "dictionary of Internet terms"
Pew Internet & American Life Project stats etc
The Tech Savvy Educator "a practical guide for integrating technology in the classroom" blog US
Webopedia online IT dictionary, resources, jobs etc
The Web's Freebees "Free Useful Stuff a resource about everything free on the Net" US & Free Computers & Various Hardware [links gone]
Website CMS tool guide was learn the web help for beginners +
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