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Fears over threat to city drinking supplies from water bottling plant "serious worries that approving the request could compromise the aquifer & leave parts of the city short of drinking water.. major frustrations by council staff at ECan's handling of their concerns & its apparent failure to consult the council, issues which threaten to drive a rift between the two organisations" 5Nov18 Christchurch council manager's $500k defamation claim against former mayor "interests of pro-chlorination group Water NZ" Stuff 25Sep18 Companies fined $41K for causing sediment contamination of Hoon Hay Stream, Christchurch ECan: "The management of water quality is challenging in the aftermath of the Port Hills fires. Significant areas.. have lost vegetative cover, exposing the soil to erosion. This will be an unfortunate legacy.. which will continue for many months, or possibly years, to come" Stuff 17Jul18 2017 - see Water - Wider NZ view AECOM/What+We+Do/Water etc "Communities around the globe are challenged to find effective ways to provide dependable water supplies, & to restore the water we use to continue sustaining the natural environment. At AECOM, our water specialists work together worldwide to find innovative solutions to the water shortage issue. We create sustainable & integrated water systems appropriate to our clients' geographic conditions. We provide comprehensive solutions for our clients and are experts in water, wastewater, water resources, watershed concepts and wet weather. We offer integrated services for total project delivery, covering everything from initial environmental planning studies to detailed design, construction management and operations and maintenance training. We understand our responsibility to the environment and provide services to create, enhance and sustain the world's built, natural & social environments" transnational Hornby Agfirst Sustainable Irrigation Practises map etc Ailing Ellesmere continues to decline "Water quality.. has returned to pre-2010 levels, when it was considered one of the filthiest lakes in the country. A recent State of the Lake report analysed conditions.. found improving water quality in 2013 - when the lake lost its hypertrophic status - had reversed" The Press 4Dec15 * * * * Alice in Videoland "The Home Film Festival Specialists ..Alice's Festival of EcoFilm includes mainly documentaries and some features with environmentalist and ecologolgical themes. Generally bringing attention to, and encouraging conservation issues, and issues related with the natural, the human and the built environment of our fragile Blue Planet" cnr Tuam & High Sts Chch * * * * * Aqualinc "Water Usage & Research in NZ" Canterbury Technology Park 1 Sir William Pickering Dr Chch & Lincoln Ventures Limited Building Ruakura Campus Hamilton "science & technology co owned by Lincoln University, engaged in research, product development & consultancy services" & Hydrosoc Conference 2007 "Land & Water" Rotorua & Sustainable Land and Water Use & groundwater modelling & Lincoln University Holdings story & Boost for Lincoln Ventures "world irrigation leader NetafimTM selects its 'Irricad Pro' software" scoop 18Oct07 & Lincoln Environmental Research "Integrated research for sustainable groundwater allocation and protection" PvtBag3062 Hamilton & Adaptive & Integrated Water Management: Coping with Complexity & Uncertainty bk Springer Berlin 15Dec07 "study commissioned by the NZ Business Council for Sustainable Development (Aqualinc 2007)" google "Enhancing the Potential for Integrated Water Management in NZ Through Adaptive Governance" Lincoln chapter & Integrated Research for Aquifer Protection IRAP project FarmSim AquiferSim & technical consultants for ECan CSWS * * * * * Ashburton water warning for newborns "The Canterbury Medical Officer of Health is warning some of the region's drinking water could cause a potentially fatal disease in newborn babies. Alistair Humphrey says nitrate levels in the Canterbury region are climbing due to intensive farming and have reached dangerous levels in a number of areas. Dr Humphrey says many private and small water bores in the Ashburton area have dangerously high nitrate levels and that is particularly risky for bottle-fed newborns.. However, farmers say it is unfair and alarmist to blame them for the high nitrate levels in the region's drinking water. Federated Farmers says the levels are worrying, but mid-Canterbury provincial president Chris Allen says it is important not to jump to conclusions until more research is done. Mr Allen says it is possible that agriculture is having no effect and the levels might improve naturally over the next few years and is calling on the Canterbury regional council to investigate the matter." [?] RadioNZ 5Nov12 Biocycle "wastewater treatment system" POBox20126 Bishopdale Chch Motueka Hokitika Invercargill Dunedin Central Otago Oamaru Timaru Boraman Consultants "Specialists in Water Flow Measurement" & Telemetry trials Timaru * * * * * Bowden Environmental "specialist expertise in water resources engineering.. hydrology, hydraulics, & water resource systems including flood control & drainage" Bowden Consultancy L1 Hansens Bldg 176a Williams St Kaiapoi Bowel cancer risk: Meeting hears concerns over nitrate levels in Canterbury water Star 8Apr21 + Water scheme opponents: Canterbury Plains environment 'ruined' by farming Press 7Apr21 * * * * * * * * * * Canterbury Fly Fishing Club CFFC news etc cantafly.com Canterbury 'irrigating capital of NZ' "converting an area the size of NZ's largest lake into irrigation over the last five years.. an extra 60,000 hectares since 2007 would cover Lake Taupo, and dwarfs the South Island's largest lake of about 35,000ha.. total irrigated land increased by 102,000ha between June 2007 and 2012" The Press 13May13 + Managing-our-water TV3 21Feb13 Canterbury Regional Council - see Environment Canterbury & CanterburyWater.org.nz Management Strategy CWMS "comprehensive programme of stakeholder & public consultation" - stage 4 of Canterbury Strategic Water Study CSWS + takeover from CanterburyWater.net.nz "info & online groups for people, & advocacy groups, collaborating to protect Canterbury's rivers & aquifers" [defunct 2008] site 2010 deprecated after 2018 to 2019 & spawned Waterways Centre for Freshwater Management waterways.ac.nz * * * * * * * * * * Canterbury Water Scheme Opposition "defeated councillor Elizabeth Cunningham says the scheme has the green light to proceed to resource consent hearings.. little.. councillors can do" fencepost.com 15Oct07 Canty waterways need urgent attention "Canterbury is the 'major place' in New Zealand where the issues outlined in a new water-quality report must be addressed, a conservation advocate says.. 'What we need now is an unwavering commitment to clean up our rivers and lakes and to lessen the impact of intensive agriculture. What we're seeing is a real reluctance from the agricultural sector to accept there are going to be limits. I think the time is coming when we need to reduce the number of cows in some catchments. 'We need to limit the carrying capacity so we can preserve the water quality. We can't have it both ways.'" 21Mar12 + Water quality in New Zealand: Understanding the science Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment + Water pollution in the Canterbury Region Wikipedia Canterbury's Water Woes: Land Use & Climate Change J Fitzsimons MP Public Meeting Chch 5Aug07 & Dairy boom could cause water bust CAREX Canterbury's Water Rehabilitation Experiment biol.canterbury.ac.nz/ferg/carex + A Stream Runs Through it "CAREX aims to improve rural waterway health through better nutrient, sediment & weed management" radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/countrylife 20May16 Central Plains Water Trust "to facilitate sustainable development of Central Canterbury's water resource" SDC & CCC + Central Plains Water Ltd CPW + wikipedia + Further progress for proposed Central Plains Water Scoop 12Jun06 + Irrigation project soars in cost "by 50 per cent to $375 million.. 'ballpark' figure" The Press 20Jun13 * * * * * * * * * * Christchurch rivers: AvON.org.nz Avon-Otakaro Network & OHR.co.nz Oopaawaho Heathcote River Network Christchurch City Council "Where our water comes from ..too precious to waste ..it's up to everyone to be Waterwise!" & Save our water & Healthy Environment Strategies drinking Water Supply & Sustainability & CPW source info + Ocean Outfall community site Henri Shustak + Water conservation now critical "The debate around charging for water isn't about whether or not residents are charged for water, it's about how we're charged" PR 9Dec08 & Draft Water Supply Strategy 2008 to "sustainably manage the public water supply" + Bid to relax sewage rule slammed The Press 20Jan09 + Water prices "Christchurch residents have told their council they don't want to pay more for water" podcast 11Feb09 + Cut water use or face restrictions - council "hot summer and its earthquake-damaged infrastructure have placed massive pressure on the water supply.. [Dec10] average daily maximum temperature of 23.5C, 2.5C above normal" 07Jan11 * * * * * * * * * * Christchurch City Groundwater Model etc Pattle Delamore Partners "finding environmental solutions" publications 51 Chester St West & Wgtn Ackd Cows in lake a 'public relations disaster' Lake Taylor in Lake Sumner Forest Park RNZ 25Jan16 * * * * Christchurch Flood Event Mar 2014 ECan canterburymaps.govt.nz + Floor levels in residential homes in Christchurch "Updated.. for properties in the Avon, Heathcote and Styx river catchments, as well as Sumner" ccc.govt.nz 2013 + EQC stonewalls NBR flood request "As Christchurch endures flooded streets, NBR is still awaiting a response to questions about long-awaited flood plain modelling and flood remediation in Christchurch sent to EQC a week before today's devastating flooding" National Business Review 5Mar14 + Urgent action needed on flood risk "Whether disaster comes from the earth below or the sky above, nature delivers a powerful hit. We can expect more storms, floods, snow or even possibly another shake.. Climate change will bring more extreme weather. Many environmentalists are saying it is now too late to try to stop or slow down climate change, if it was ever possible. Although reducing air pollution will make our cities nicer (Chinese cities, for example, regularly experience some of the worst smog on the planet), it won't make a jot of difference to the Earth's climate. All we can do is make human habitations more resilient, to try to ride out the worst that nature can hurl at us. That should be possible, but it will take a concerted and sustained effort by governments, local and national, businesses and individuals, working together. Whatever happens, the mantra of 'business as usual' no longer applies" The Press 12Mar14 & Solving the city's flood problems The Press 16Mar14 & Flockton Basin red zone ruled out The Press 22Mar14 & Flockton residents demand flood action "do not care what authorities do to fix their water issues, they just want action" 28Mar14 & Flockton flood protection to cost $50m "We have a lot of work to do with the community here. This is their homes, their streets' The Press 27Mar14 + Climate change: Report a 'wake up call' for NZ "a half-metre rise in sea levels by 2100 and increasing storms, with 'one in 100 year' events becoming annual occurences by the end of the century" Stuff 31Mar14 Experts say 5C rise disastrous for NZ "4C temperature rise would be bad for the country, and anything higher would be terrible - leaving much of lowland New Zealand frost-free with a third more rainfall and depressed beef and sheep production" RadioNZ 2Jan14 & Scientist urges action on coast threat "Climate scientist Jim Salinger began encouraging the council to start planning for a 1 metre rise in sea level mhttp://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/business/10632512/Dryland-farmers-rising-against-ECan-water-ruleore than two years ago, and the council now plans to include the estimate in its new district plan." 9Jan14 & Storm leaves flooding, damaged homes in wake Cyclone Ita 18Apr14 Residents fear floods ignored by city council Sumner Redcliffs The Press 12Apr14 + Christchurch gets double usual rainfall "In the last four months, Christchurch has received more than two thirds of the city's average annual rainfall" 6May14 + Heathcote demands flood risk answers "more information from the Christchurch City Council about work to mitigate flood risks in their neighbourhood. About 300 people attended a meeting in Somerfield last night for residents worried about flooding in the upper and lower Heathcote River area" 28May14 + Meet the faces of Flockton 4Jun14 + Flood aid withheld until details supplied "Mayor Lianne Dalziel said she was confident the Crown would recognise the urgency of the situation" 6Jun14 & Traffic delays as water main floods Dyers Rd 6Jun14 + Labour promises quake court and flooding work "send in army engineers.. Government, through EQC, must pay its share to help those families and communities who, because of the earthquakes, are now having to deal with land that has sunk, and the subsequent flooding of their properties.. will amend the law as needed to make it clear that EQC must pay for earthquake damage in the form of land subsidence or other geological changes, and employ army engineers to help with the protection work.. make temporary housing available for families that needed it, while flood protection work was being carried out. The cost of protecting the 500 most flood-prone homes has been put at $20 million, some of which falls to Christchurch City Council after it under-invested in dredging of drains and creeks" 9Jun14 + Flooding adds to commuting hell "80-90 millimetres of rain fell in Rangiora in 24 hours" 11Jun14 & Flood 'eats away' at Amberley road "Missing chunk leaves Amberley homes stranded" + Citizen scientists help map Christchurch flooding sciblogs.co.nz/Waiology 16Jun14 & RiskScape.niwa.co.nz Christchurch's pure drinking water could be contaminated due to farming "recent scientific work by Environment Canterbury (ECan), which shows deep groundwater from the Waimakariri district could be flowing towards Christchurch" Stuff 27Jul17 Christchurch's streams are dying city-wide The Press 2Apr16 Kaiapoi water investors feel duped The Press 18Oct14 + Dryland farmers rising against ECan water rule "Hurunui farmers are rising in their hundreds to test Environment Canterbury's "collaborative" approach to water management" 18Oct14 + Irrigation work advances 1km a day "Construction teams working on the $375 million Central Plains Water scheme are piping and covering trenches at a rate of up to one kilometre a day as the large irrigation project races ahead" 5Nov14 Has farming harmed our water? "the South Island's changing farming landscape is affecting water quality in the region, with it likely to continue deteriorating. The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Dr Jan Wright will present the report Water quality in New Zealand: Land use and nutrient pollution.. Environment Canterbury commissioner David Caygill said the report would reinforce what everyone in Canterbury already knew" The Press 21Nov13 & Dairy farming harming water "The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment today released a report on water quality which highlights how the country is facing a 'classic economy versus environment dilemma'" 21Nov013 Farming moves with the times "industrialisation of farming.. grass is almost like a manufactured product" The Press 11Jan14 Ngai Tahu work risks 'significant pollution' of river "Ngai Tahu Forest Estates Limited (NTFE) has applied for a consent to change the use of land that may result in the discharge of nitrogen or phosphorus into the water. In 2012, NTFE was granted consent by Environment Canterbury to enable the conversion of its Balmoral property, near Culverden, into a mix of dairy, dairy support, cropping, sheep and beef farming over a period of about 25 years. NFTE proposes to convert 7000ha to irrigated dairy farming" The Press 3Mar14 + Dairying rivers 'must be swimmable': Ngai Tahu "In 2010, Ngai Tahu Property was given a mandate by the wider tribe to develop three pilot dairy farms at Eyrewell, in Canterbury. The properties each run 1200 cows.. project could expand, but at every stage it would be working closely with Lincoln University.. partnership to last at least 20 years.. at the forefront of best practice. None of this comes cheap" Timaru Herald 5Mar14 Water strategy factor in rates rise at ECan "The regional council is set to increase its rates by an average of 4.95 per cent this financial year. Changes to the way Environment Canterbury (ECan) funds its Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS) are behind the increase. Parts of the strategy, including the water science charge, works under a user-pays system, but the plan is to include this in the general rate instead. Commissioner David Bedford said the parts of the CWMS that would be affected were those deemed for the 'common good'" The Press 12Mar14 Cows' pollution can be minimised "can cause retarded brain development in human babies.. first recognised in the 1970s, occurring in the Ellesmere and Lincoln districts, then prime town-supply dairying areas" 31Mar14 Farmers back irrigation feasibility study "Hunter Downs Irrigation Scheme, which could irrigate up to 40,000 hectares of land from Waitaki to just south of Timaru, also has significant financial backing from the Government.. could be flowing within five years" RadioNZ 10Apr14 Christian World Service Water Resources 03-366-9274 L4 159 Manchester St esp DVD Water: who owns it? Sri Lanka & Ecumenical Water Network * * * The Dairy Boom Insight "the impact on the economy and environment of the massive dairy boom presently underway" radionz.co.nz 5Aug07 Dairy farming putting water quality at risk Nandor Tanczos MP, Green Party Environment Spokesperson 22Aug07 + Parliamentary Question DataCol International Water Meter Reading 10 Leslie Hills Dr Riccarton Chch Wgtn Ackd Aus SAS Do we have enough water in Central Canterbury? Dr Vince Bidwell 24Jul06 Drinking water under threat, says Norman "Christchurch people need to 'wake up' to the threat intensive agriculture poses to their drinking water, Green Party co-leader Russel Norman says.. 'It's Dunsandel today but it's Christchurch tomorrow - it's getting closer'.. A GNS scientist said last year a 200-metre deep well in Avonhead had shown a 'statistically significant trend' in increasing nitrate-nitrogen concentrations since 1995. At the time Environment Canterbury (ECan) said the trend was a concern but the concentrations were low and did not pose health risks.. The Selwyn District Council said yesterday a $7000 ultraviolet radiation treatment system would be used to sterilise the E. coli in Dunsandel's water supply. Some residents became sick because of unacceptable levels of faecal bacteria in untreated water from the town's well" The Press 06Mar10 Drought, 2013: Financial pain of drought could reach $30m "Waimakariri Irrigation Ltd (WIL) scheme.. storage facility, expected to cost $25m, will hold 8.2 million cubic metres of water" The Press 15Mar13 Environment Canterbury ECan.govt.nz 58 Kilmore St Water management Canterbury Water Quality "State of Canterbury Region Water Resource" reports etc + Canterbury Plains Aquifers "a single interconnected system" + Canterbury Strategic Water Study CSWS independent chair Andy Pearce + Clean streams & rivers are core business for councils 5Sep07 viz Canterbury water plan may cost billions The Press & Report reveals threat to rivers 5May08 + Vital water "commissioners imposed some well-judged limits" 23Oct08 + Call to curb water-take from rivers, streams "Canterbury Regional Environment Report, the first since 2002" + Improving Urban Waterway Health programme cleanwaterways.org.nz "Let's get started... let's change our ways to change our waterways ..things we can do" Christchurch w/CCC Jul09 + Water strategy factor in rates rise at ECan "increase its rates by an average of 4.95 per cent this financial year. Changes to the way Environment Canterbury (ECan) funds its Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS) are behind the increase. Parts of the strategy, including the water science charge, works under a user-pays system, but the plan is to include this in the general rate instead. Commissioner David Bedford said the parts of the CWMS that would be affected were those deemed for the 'common good'. 'For some aspects of the water management strategy it benefits everyone so it has been included in the general rates'" 12/03/2014 + ecan news link page + 2014/15: Dry period forces fresh thinking "More storage of alpine water is expected to top up lake levels at Opuha Dam for more reliable irrigation" stuff.co.nz/business/farming/agribusiness 6Dec14 & Alpine water would counter dry spell "Irrigation New Zealand's chairwoman, Nicky Hyslop, makes the case for alpine water storage systems to alleviate drought ..The investment hurdle, a small group of progressive irrigators being expected to fix today's environmental issues which are largely the result of yesterday's decisions, whilst providing for future generations, doesn't stack up. The only way we're going to realise New Zealand's water potential is through the community co-investing alongside irrigating farmers. Irrigators need to pay their way but the community also needs to be making an investment in its future resilience" 26Jan15 = Alpine-storage idea really holds water stuff.co.nz/timaru-herald 27Jan15 + Deadline to fix Canterbury rivers missed "In the five years since the Government replaced elected councillors with commissioners for their lack of progress in meeting targets, more rivers have become unsafe for swimming" RadioNZ 4Aug15 * * * * * environmental-expert.com 3rd NZ Getting to Know Groundwater & Surfacewater Events Workshops/Training Courses Mancan House Conference Centre Chch 15-17Oct08 Centre for Groundwater Studies Flinders Uni Adelaide Aus EOS Ecology.co.nz "a leading niche aquatic research consultancy based in Christchurch & working throughout NZ.. team of specialist aquatic scientists & technicians.. experience & skills in the field, lab, & office to achieve greater sustainability within our freshwater & estuary environments. From research expeditions to infrastructure projects.. creating a balance between the pressures we humans place on our aquatic systems & the positive values we associate with these environments" POBox4262 Chch 8140 Essence.net.nz "sparkling artesian water" Farmers suspicious of Synlait farms takeover "by the Chinese company, Shanghai Pengxin.. approved by the Overseas Investment Office, and the company will now have a 74 percent stake in 13 properties southwest of Christchurch.. there are always questions when foreign companies capture businesses that include raw materials right through to the final product.. suspects some information used to justify the decision has been kept from the public" radionz.co.nz 5Feb14 Farmers likely to benefit from Chinese purchase "likely sale of Oceania Dairy to China's largest dairy producer by market value should be good news for farmers looking to get the best price for their milk. Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group (Yili) plans to buy Oceania Dairy to acquire the resource consents it holds over 38 hectares near Glenavy in South Canterbury, to build an infant formula plant on that site, according to media reports. The deal is subject to approval from the Overseas Investment Office but if given the green light, Yili will reportedly invest $214 million in the plant. Last year, Oceania Dairy sold milk supply contracts to Synlait Milk, which is half-owned by China's Bright Dairy, after failing to raise about $75m to build a milk powder plant near Glenavy that would have processed 220 million litres of milk a year, producing 32,000 tonnes of powder. The Chinese company has been reported as saying it has preliminary co-operation agreements with some local farmers to supply the plant, and indicated it planned to draw on Fonterra's regulated supply of raw milk. Federated Farmers dairy chairperson Willy Leferink said if the factory went ahead it would probably give the local farmers a good opportunity to get the best milk price for their milk. There would be competition in the region between several companies including Synlait, Fonterra, possibly even Westland Milk. Leferink said there would be plenty of supply available for a new plant. Any new start-up company has the right to milk from Fonterra for three years. After that it would need its own supplier contracts. There was still a "huge expansion" taking place in the dairy industry in that region, with a couple of big irrigation schemes like Hunter Downs and South Waitaki still to come off which would increase the amount of irrigated area down there and could lead to increased milk supply. Leferink said he did not see "a hell of a lot of stretch" in the supply base until the country reached the maximum number of cows it could sustain in the long-term, and even then cows could produce more milk than they were currently." Press 29Dec12 Filth continues to pour into Christchurch's waterways "city council is applying to Environment Canterbury for a new resource consent to continue discharging untreated wastewater into the waterways and harbours in emergencies. More than 700,000cu m of wastewater, including raw sewage, had been discharged into the waterways since 2012" NZHerald.co.nz 16Jan17 Forest & Bird's report on the Clean Streams Accord info by region etc 424KB pdf Oct08 Green Canterbury water management in no-mans-land "Water Rights Trust.. impassioned speech" Russel Norman 29Aug11 etc Fracking: StarCanterbury.co.nz/search + eg More data sought on fracking ban 14/12/2011 The Press search etc Half a million hectares - Sold "Who owns the high country?" interactives.stuff Jan18 |
Hurunui Dambusters.org.nz "area will be transformed from a nationally significant, pristine, backcountry resource to an 'irrigation scheme' with roadways and infrastructure that will sour the natural heritage of the park forever" completeangler.co.nz Hurunui Water Project put on hold for 14 months "Government has approved an unusual special measure blocking any new water consents on Canterbury's Hurunui River over a 14-month period" 3news & The Hurunui River - who owns its water? "Today Environment Minister Nick Smith announced a moratorium" Campbell Live 21Jul10 + River water ban flagged "Commissioner David Bedford, the chairman of Enterprise North Canterbury.. would take part in the moratorium debate and vote" The Press Hydrology & soil physics Soils & Landscapes Research "focuses on the interaction between land management & the amount & quality of water reaching a stream environment.. aims to produce tools & frameworks that aid land managers to promote the lowest possible impact on the receiving freshwater environment" Landcare Research POBox40 Lincoln 7640 Hydro Response Ltd "Innovative Water Containment Solutions ..flood protection products" 55 Ranfurly St Kaiapoi HydroServices.co.nz "Irrigation Management & Water Resource Consultants" Tony Davoren POBox3132 Chch ph: 03-341-0970 HydroTrader "water trading made easy" POBox3132 Chch Irrigation NZ "To promote excellence in irrigation development & efficient water management throughout NZ, based on the principles of responsible & sustainable management of water resources" POBox3872 Chch The Irrigation Warehouse 280 Annex Rd Irrigation & Water "Domestic & Lifestyle Block Experts" Cnr Halswell Junction Rd & Columbia Ave Hornby iandw.co.nz Irrigation & Water Supply Services localeye listings CCC + Waste Water *** Iwi prepares for 'clean dairying' project "could develop a dairy operation totalling 16,000ha in Canterbury" Press 8Jan11 Kakahu Irrigation Ltd Attewell Irrigation Consultants Ltd & Rooney Group project 13 + ecan.govt.nz/Resource+Consents "discharges.. from KIL's main irrigation race (MR1).. outfall into the Kakahu River.. at Mullvihill Rd, between Geraldine Public Highway & Wigley Rd, Kakahu, at map ref NZMS 260: J38: 5310-7290" + River 'ruined' by accidental flooding "The accidental opening of the gates controlling the Kakahu irrigation scheme has had a disastrous impact on the river system and has left Opuha farmer Graham Smillie with a virtually undrinkable water supply. While not opposed to the scheme, which he believes will have huge benefits for the region, he is distraught at the state of the river. As a result of the influx of water two weeks ago the river has been left filthy, full of sediment and devoid of fish life. Mr Smillie said when resource consent for the scheme was being sought they were assured that there were numerous safety nets in place to stop accidents happening and the river system being adversely affected" waternz.co.nz Timaru Herald 29Oct04 KB Services "pumps, irrigators, centre pivots, sprinklers, irrigation hoses, couplings, aluminium fittings, PVC pipes & polythene pipes.. full design & installation services" 135 Alford Forest Rd Ashburton [defunct? Apr05] Ki Uta ki Tai Red Zone "'From the Mountains to the Sea' attraction.. tell the story of water" Water for Life trustees Jun14 Eden Project UK waterforlife.org.nz + event 3Jul15 Labour's focus back on water "Water allocations & transfers must be overseen by publicly elected, accountable representatives, with appropriate input from iwi, the public & water users" stuff.co.nz/the-press 26Oct11 Lack of enforcement bad news for Canterbury's freshwater "Although 355 irrigators were found to have been significantly non-compliant with their ground or surface water consents, ECan issued only nine abatement and infringement notices for taking too much water" The Press 28Mar16 * * * * * L'Eau Below "Soil Moisture Monitoring & Profiling Service" POBox1183 Chch Ph: 3-377-3443 + links Lees Valley farmer tackling dryland pasture issues "aim to get 70-80% of the ground in good condition.. once through the cropping regime the ground will have improved considerably.. regime adds organic matter to the soil before it goes back into permanent pasture. 'You need to break down the browntop crust on this country'" Country-Wide 3Dec07 Lifeblood of Canterbury Tim Cronshaw, The Press 02Dec05 Lincoln University Water Quality Becomes Top Environmental Concern Dr Ken Hughey 19Apr05 & Do we have enough water in Central Canterbury? Dr Vince Bidwell 24Jul06 + Water Science & Technology I ENGN 233, Water Science & Technology II ENGN 333, Water Resources & Hazards ENGN 366 + Loss of jobs at AgResearch inevitable: prof Waikato Times 16Mar10 + Another deficit recorded by Lincoln University "has recorded a loss for a second consecutive year. The university's annual report says it was $2.8 million in the red last year, after a loss of $1.3 million in 2008. It was the only deficit among the eight universities. The report says Lincoln's financial position is strong, although there are concerns about attaining a sustainable position that is better than break-even. A four-year decline in student numbers at the university ended last year, when 2666 full-time students were enrolled. That increase was driven by domestic students, with international student numbers continuing to fall" radionz 12Jun10 + Water research may be too late - critic "joint Canterbury & Lincoln university centre specialising in freshwater management" centre for freshwater management The Press 9Jul10 + Christchurch Waterways Centre for Freshwater Management Canterbury Uni-Lincoln Uni was waterresource.ac.nz [defunct 2010] + Fresh Water Management Forum Conferenz Wgtn 15-16Feb11 NZ Freshwater Sciences Society NZFSS.rsnz.org Mackenzie District Council News 20Feb03 $5,000 case vs ECAN of dairy vs Twizel water supply [link lost Apr05] + Opuha Dam + Meridian Energy etc Managed aquifer recharge gives hope to Mid Canterbury's declining water quality "Hinds/Hekeao managed aquifer recharge (MAR) project takes water from the Rangitata River and percolates it back into the aquifer. The water comes from the Ashburton District Council's unused stock water allocation via the Rangitata Diversion Race (RDR) and Valetta Irrigation Scheme. It is hoped the project will solve the poor quality water issues in the Hinds region, as well as improve stream flows" Stuff 28Jun16 Massive dam a 'loaded gun' for locals "Imagine a dam the size of Hagley Park, filled with water, rising 13 metres into the sky. Imagine living beneath it" Stuff 11Aug15 Eyre Community Environmental Safety Society Incorporated ECESS.org formerly the DAM WRIGHTS GROUP NCS Water Billing "system records water consumption & produces invoices from water meter readings" Napier Computer Systems 390 Montreal St Chch Napier Ackd New tankers and new base for Fonterra "12 new Volvos.. to be based at Darfield with Fonterra setting aside $30m for 79 new tankers nationally in August" Press 16/11/2012 Nitrates rules will hit farmers "Environment Canterbury commissioners this month signed off on the Canterbury Land & Water Regional Plan, which will for the first time put controls on the leaching of nutrients across the region" 23/12/2013 + Has farming harmed our water? The Press 21/11/2013 * * * * * NZ Society for Sustainability Engineering & Science Forum #8 - Water: Supply & Storage NZSSES.auckland.ac.nz 14Mar08 Oasis Clearwater Environmental Systems "waste water treatment for commercial, industrial & domestic" POBox16276 Hornby Chch & Ackd Orari River Protection Group c/- 78 Silverton Rd RD22 Geraldine 03-6963888 Our Changing World audio "Conservation on Braided Rivers (14'20") The Ashley-Rakahuri Rivercare group is a community effort to look after breeding birds on a North Canterbury braided river. Freshwater Biodiversity Issues in Canterbury (11'14") Management of freshwater, including biodiversity on the region's many rivers, are among the issues facing Environment Canterbury's Commissioners" RadioNZ 20Feb14 Our pure water spoiled Grant Nelson The Press 05May10 Our Water Our City.org campaign on Christchurch City Council 2010 Our Water, Our Vote "Protecting DEMOCRACY and the ENVIRONMENT in Canterbury" & Canterbury: Our Water protests facebook page Over the line: Rivers being whittled away "fringes of some Canterbury rivers have been absorbed into expanding farms, resulting in the loss of thousands of hectares of public land to private development.. 'agricultural encroachment'" Stuff 6Feb17 * * * Parkland Products "NZ's leading supplier of heavy duty mowing, turf renovation & irrigation products" 82 Waterloo Rd Hornby + Ackd Plains Irrigators "Your locally owned & operated Zimmatic importer & distributor" 234/244 Havelock St Ashburton Planit Associates "urban design, resource consents, plan changes, strategic planning, structure planing, commissioner work" RW Batty & Assocs L1 129 Kilmore St Chch Pull plug on Canterbury water plan - Greens Nandor Tanczos MP 5Jun07 Rainer Irrigation Ashburton SaveOurWater.org.nz campaign on ECan 2007 & Save Our Water google group + exhibitions Artists for save our water "water belongs to all of us" Coca Gallery 24Nov09 & artists for save our water NG Gallery 3-30Jun08 & MacKenzie Guardians "the voice of our rivers" + The Water Show The Physics Room 7-31May08 & New group aims to stall Central Plains Water project Press 15Aug07 + "Misinformation" riles farmers - Water becoming hot local body campaign issue "Doug Catherwood's family has farmed sheep in the Malvern area in central Canterbury since the early 1950s. He started irrigating his Hororata property from a 100 metre deep well in 2002" NZ Farmers Weekly 1Oct07 + Stoush in the south "Waimate mayor John.. Coles and South Canterbury's [Mark] Oldfield point to a 'save our water' brochure, which rails against city drinking water being contaminated by 'rural sewers'. 'That is not a very nice comment about how well the rural sector is handling things. That does not give you much confidence,' says Coles" Press 01Dec07 + Jane Demeter.org.nz & Eugenie Sage esage.org.nz Save Our Water CCC advice documents Save the Rivers Mid-Canterbury Inc c/- Geoff Ackerley 77 Trevors Road Ashburton Selwyn District Council Water Services / Info Pages, Leeston + CPW * * * Seven Rivers Walking 84min Feature Documentary sevenrivers.nz & Jul17 trailer on facebook.com/ walk4theplanet & youtube.com & vimeo.com & tuimotu.org & flicks.co.nz & by WickCandle Film Aug17 + NZIFF review + Jesse Mulligan 1-4pm RNZ interview 29Aug17 * * * * South Canterbury Farmers Irrigation Society Opuha Dam Timaru State of Canterbury Region Water Resource 2004 Report ECan StopTheDam.org.nz Malvern Hills Protection Society + news Submission Sam Mahon to ECan 18Jun06 pdf etc The Water Thieves bk 06 Sue Kelly Water Systems "NZ Water Filters/Purifiers" POBox41048Ferrymead Tangata Whenua: Ngai Tahu trials dairy conversions stuff.co.nz 25Mar13 + Ngai Tahu sees future in farming 16Apr13 + Ngai Tahu follows the water 24Sep13 + Iwi firm eyes farm division 1Oct13 + Ngai Tahu leads way in sustainable dairying 15Jan14 + Iwi could cause significant pollution 3Mar14 + Dairying rivers must be swimmable Ngai Tahu 5Mar14 + Ngai Tahu Property buys cutting rights 8Mar14 + Ngai Tahu drive for 1.5B farming assets 2Apr14 + Presence of Maori growing in dairy industry 4Apr14 + Decision thwarts Ngai Tahu dairy plans 23Jul14 + Ngai Tahu profit soaring high 8Oct14 + Ngai Tahu businesses where the action is 11Oct14 + Maori in freshwater bid "value of freshwater to the economy at $34.85 billion a year" Freshwater Iwi Leaders Group, Sunday Star Times 12Apr15 TerraNova 'new earth' "Not waste, just innovation ..previously the Recovered Materials Foundation" landfillers? POBox6320 Buchanans Rd Hornby Treaty Debate 2014: Water conflicted parties' audio radionz.co.nz 2Feb14 * * * * Trepidation over Canty water scheme TVNZ 5Jun07 Waihora Ellesmere Trust WET "better management practices to improve the health & biodiversity of the lake and its catchments" Lake Issues Group Waimakariri District Council Water Race Bylaw & App' for Supply of Water, Rangiora + CPW Reservoir should be priority - Council says "resolved to oppose the issuing of any resource consents for the scheme until it can be assured it will not jeopardise existing users or the river and its environment" Media Release & Pegasus Storm Water etc *** Waste floodwater could be they [sic] key to beating Canterbury's drought "With smaller storage ponds already dotting the Canterbury countryside, the next challenge is to see if floodwater can be successfully harvested and stored off a big river like the Waimakariri" 3news.co.nz 13Jan09 Water charges on the horizon "Christchurch households could soon be individually charged for the water they use. The city council yesterday confirmed a proposal for water charging would likely be included in the Long Term Plan (LTP) consultation document. Mayor Lianne Dalziel said it would not be a money-spinner but a way to encourage water conservation and efficiency. Cr Raf Manji said there were several ways the council could charge residents for water, including introducing a quota system. If people used more than their quota, they would be charged and if they did not reach their quota, they could sell the excess back to the council. 'We are charged for electricity - I don't see why we wouldn't be charged for water as well,' he said" The Press 3Feb15 + City council turns tap off charging for water "The truth is we can't afford to put in smart meters (in the next three years)" 10Feb15 + Quarries want to dig into Christchurch groundwater "We do need more gravel and the operators are saying it is easier to use existing sites than to build new ones but safeguarding the quality of our aquifers must be an absolute priority" 18Feb15 + Christchurch water crisis looming "Earthquakes have badly damaged the city's water supply and the Christchurch City Council is worried it will not be able to cope with high summer demand. It has already imposed restrictions" 16Oct11 Water Dynamics "Irrigation Reticulation Effluent waste water treatment" 19 Mandeville St Riccarton, Blenheim Alexandra & 4NI WaterForce "irrigation & more ..servicing the agriculture, viticulture & horticulture industries.. residential & commercial properties" 51 Gilberthorpes Rd Hornby Timaru NZ-wide was Water Control Solutions wcsolutions.co.nz TheWaterGarden.co.nz "decorative displays" 297 Blenheim Rd Riccarton Water not just a pipe dream "The latest Canterbury drought is reinforcing a message in farming: irrigation is valuable, stored supply is better and an alpine water source is best of all" The Press 17Jan15 Water pollution in the Canterbury Region wikipedia Water proposals miss the mark - Commissioner "for the Environment says the Government's plan for looking after freshwater does not go far enough in protecting water quality. Jan Wright has released her submission on the Government's proposed National Objectives Framework and amendments to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management. Dr Wright says there is little in the proposed framework that would prevent increased pollution as a result of land conversion to dairy farming. Last year, she said modelling suggests that by 2020, an area the size of Taranaki would have been converted into dairy farms. Dr Wright says a policy framework that supports efforts to protect rivers and lakes is needed. In November, she told Radio New Zealand that without significant intervention, almost every river and lake will have deteriorated by 2020. She says that still looks to be the case with the government's as proposals are ambiguous and lack a clear strategy for dealing with water quality. Dr Wright is concerned councils will end up spending a lot more money on reporting, without any quality benefits. In her submission on the Freshwater Management plan, she sees nitrate runoff from dairy farms as New Zealand's biggest challenge" radionz.co.nz 5Feb14 "The Water Rights Trust wants Canterbury to have clean, viable rivers, streams, lakes & ground waters" POBox391 Chch Water & Sanitation Rotarian Action group cashmererotary.org WASRAG.org Watershed Systems centre for Catchment Ecology "Applied Research & Development In High Country Ecoforestry" Haikai Tane Dir Prof Sustainable Development 11 Mount Cook St Twizel Waitaki Basin Water storage 'crucial' to Mid Canterbury's future "Ashburton mayor Bede O'Malley said sacrifice and compromise were necessary by both irrigators and nature-lovers if water storage crucial to the district's agricultural industry was to progress.. 'If irrigation development was to stop due to reliability issues, climate change, etc, farmers would struggle to meet the market expectations. We could face a rural economic decline with flow-on impacts to rural towns and Christchurch'.. how future water demand could be met.. opportunities for irrigators.. also opportunities to improve river eco systems. He said it was important the factions worked together. 'For if Canterbury can't come up with its own solutions, communities will continue to be divided and the decision may well be made in Wellington'" Ashburton Guardian 31Oct07 Water Supply Products "importer & distributor of top quality, high performance irrigation products" 3A Michelle Rd Sockburn & Ackd watersupply.co.nz Water Systems Treatment Specialists "Waste / Water Treatment & Filtration Systems" 212 Hazeldean Rd Sydenham & Ackd Waterwatch Kaitaki Wai International Centre for Nature Conservation at Lincoln University, Brian Mason Scientific & Technical Trust here was news "Lincoln seeks South Canterbury Waterwatch Coordinator.. interactive school & community based educational programme designed to involve students & residents in monitoring their local rivers, streams, ponds, lakes & groundwater" 3Jun05 + srch intnl eg Waterwatch Australia "Communities caring for catchments" & Waterwatch Scotland "consumer.. voice" Waterwatch.net.nz John Chapman Live Weather & Opihi Water Monitoring - ECAN Trial Harvest Electronics Masterton * * * * * Waterways Centre for Freshwater Management Chch Canty Uni-Lincoln Uni was waterresource.ac.nz [defunct 2010] + Fresh Water Management Forum Conferenz Wgtn 15-16Feb11 NZ Freshwater Sciences Society NZFSS.rsnz.org Lack of? WaterWisdom Soc Inc "To help NZers make informed & wise decisions about our water resources" thru charges POBox21008 Chch workingwaterstrust.org "charitable trust formed by a group of people who share a love of New Zealand's native freshwater fish and ecosystems" Chch & SI Why & how to set up a water market "that is physically, economically, & environmentally correct" John F Raffensperger Management Science UoC & Operations Research The ScienceofBetter.org INFORMS US Water link pages: Dairy dilemma Nitrate danger Ocean sea effects Project Waiora cleanup of rivers, estuaries & lagoons ~ Wakapai Kaa Awa Water hub page Water bibles historical context Wider NZ outside of Canterbury International outside of NZ Plus: Welcome to the Anthropocene.info "Earth's most recent geologic time period.. human-influenced, or anthropogenic, based on overwhelming global evidence that atmospheric, geologic, hydrologic, biospheric and other earth system processes are now altered by humans.. The Anthropocene is distinguished as a new period either after or within the Holocene, the current epoch, which began approximately 10,000 years ago (about 8000 BC) with the end of the last glacial period" East Christchurch residents 'have been too nice' about red zone "About 100 people turned up to a public meeting last night to discuss how they can be involved in making decisions about the 700-hectare block of damaged land bought by the Crown after the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. The meeting was sparked by last month's announcement that the new agency, Regenerate Christchurch, had been directed by the government and Christchurch City Council to consider turning part of the red zone into a lake for water sports. South Brighton resident Steven Gibson said he feared parts of the red zone would be gentrified and sold off in the future. He said people in the east need to be tougher and demand more from their representatives. 'There has just been endless and endless and endless double speak (and) marketing copy. You keep hearing the same old tired cliches and phrases and you hear that all the way from the top. You are never going to get any proficient or expedient change from central government.' He said thought people in the east of Christchurch needed to do more to draw attention to their plight. 'I think a lot of people in the east have been too nice about it. This is the jewel of Christchurch, not a grey old square in the middle of town.' Some at the meeting were concerned that only one proposal is being considered for the red zone, despite several being advocated by local groups.. Several local politicians were at the meeting, including the new chair of Regenerate Christchurch, Andre Lovatt. He said one of the first things his organisation would focus on was putting together information to clearly illustrate how badly the earthquakes affected the land. 'Because that presents some limitations or constraints to the ways in which (that land) can be developed in the future, and I think for all of us in the community it is important that we understand what that level of constraint actually is, so we can all think about our future with the same knowledge.' He said he was delighted to see so many people keen to get involved in the future of the red zone. Mr Lovatt said the agency was still at the early stages of determining the best way to engage with people, but early thinking was to co-design that process with the public" RNZ 26May16 Mike Yardley: Charging for water a possible council election 'lightning rod' The Press 31May16 Weather: May warmest on record, wettest in places "nationwide average temperature in May was 12.9degC, which is 2.1degC above average and a record on a series dating back to 1909, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research says. The first five months of the year also equal a warm temperature record set in 1938" newshub.co.nz 4Jun16 + May breaks temperature records RNZ E coli found in water supply for east Christchurch suburbs The Press 21Dec19 Faecal contamination triggers swimming, food gathering warning for Lyttelton Harbour beaches 22Dec19 |
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